Stan Coffey
Contributing sermons since Mar 27, 2010
Newest Sermons
Shaken Faith And Shattered Hope
Contributed on Aug 9, 2010
Jesus had a passion for us that caused Him to leave heaven and to come to this earth. God wants us to have a passion for everything that we do especially a passion for Him. For additional sermons in this series, refer to www.4reallife.org
RENEWING YOUR PASSION FOR LIFE “Shaken Faith And Shattered Hope” Part 1 Today we start a series of messages entitled, “Renewing Your Passion For Life.” Jesus’ passion caused Him to go to the cross. Jesus had a passion that caused Him to leave heaven; it caused Him to come to this earth. He ...read more
Profile Of A Spiritual Champion
Contributed on Aug 9, 2010
In II Timothy 4:7-8 we see a spiritual champion that has been there, one who has succeeded, one who has come to the end of his life and has always been a champion for Christ. For additional sermons in this series, refer to www. 4reallife.org
GOD’S OLYMPICS “Profile Of A Spiritual Champion” Part 1 Today I speak to you on “The Profile of a Spiritual Champion”. What is a spiritual champion? What does a spiritual champion look like? Of course in II Timothy 4:7-8 we see a spiritual champion that has been there, one who has ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Restoring Your Passion For Life
Contributed on Aug 9, 2010
God’s Olympics
Contributed on Aug 9, 2010