  • Simon Taylor

    Contributing sermons since Jan 8, 2009
Simon's church

New Study Church
Office address as above, *Province/Other G78 1BT

About Simon
  • What I want on my tombstone: He was a good and faithful servant.
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  • Not Called As Academics

    Contributed on May 29, 2009

    Striking the balance between studying the Bible, but keeping your relationship with God just that... a relationship.

    Good morning and welcome to the second in a three-part series entitled Who We Are and What We Do. Before we get into the nitty-gritty today, I’d just like to say a personal thank you for all of the emails and video comments we’ve received this week. We have been really encouraged your more

  • Who We Are & What We Do

    Contributed on Feb 27, 2009

    Although discussing our own vision, the points are general about the purpose and function of ’church’.

    Good morning and welcome to the first exemplar study from New Study Church. I’m really quite excited about today. This is the start of something completely new. Over the summer I’ve felt a lot of things laid on my heard and I want to share some of them with you over the next few more

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  • You Can't Study All The Time

    Contributed on May 29, 2009

    YOU CAN'T STUDY ALL THE TIME The best way I can explain what I mean is looking at my teacher training. As most of you know, I was at once time a student teacher. A lot of what we do is theory – child development, teaching methods, and so on. Even when you graduate you’re expected to keep up my more

  • Florence Nightingale

    Contributed on May 29, 2009

    FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE Born 12 May 1820, died 13 August 1910. On 7 February 1837 – not long before her 17th birthday – something happened that would change her life: "God spoke to me," she wrote, "and called me to His service." Nobody really cares what knowledge Florence Nightingale had about the more