Simon Mattholie
Contributing sermons since Sep 10, 2007
Newest Sermons
Contributed on Sep 10, 2007
The hidden dangers of lust today, and how can the bible help us overcome lust
Lust This morning we are beginning a new series called virus where over the next 3 months, we are together going to look at some of the viruses that attack our world today as part of our vision to tackle topics which are relevant and applicable to life today. We are not looking at viruses in a ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Contributed on Sep 10, 2007
Newest Sermon Illustrations
Men Are Distracted By A Pretty Girl On The ...
Contributed on Sep 10, 2007
men are distracted by a pretty girl on the pavement 42 times per week; women are only distracted by ...read more
We Were In Spain A Few Weeks Ago And We Went To A ...
Contributed on Sep 10, 2007
We were in Spain a few weeks ago and we went to a water park to keep the kids happy. Now I don’t mind swimming, but I don’t do heights – really. Anyway, Dom my youngest decides that he and I are going to go down some of the water shoots - there was one called the black hole, and actually it was ...read more