S. Louis Rouse
Contributing sermons since May 31, 2008
Newest Sermons
Do The Dead Know Nothing?
Contributed on Oct 29, 2018
A look at the state of those who have died
For the last few weeks we have been focusing on the return of Jesus Christ.. What some refer to as the Rapture. That is term which I prefer not to use because that is not a word found in the English translations of the Bible.. However, it is not totally foreign to the Scriptures. It comes from a ...read more
Are You Thankful With All Your Heart?
Contributed on Oct 24, 2018
Short Thanksgiving message
Psalm 9: 1 I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. It was approaching Thanksgiving and Dave's family was together. He was in the construction supply business and business was good. In response to hearing about how well things were going, Dave's ...read more
Failure Is Not Forever
Contributed on Apr 10, 2018
Peter failed the Lord in an immense way but was completely restored by Jesus
Sometimes in scripture we find something mentioned… seemingly in passing …that does not appear to be very important. Such is the case with our text this morning. Last week, we studied the account of the two men on their way from Jerusalem to their home in Emmaus. We are told they were ...read more