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  • The Decision To Follow Series

    Contributed by Russ Adams on Sep 24, 2015

    The choice is ours. Are we going to follow Jesus, or not.

    September 13, 2015 6 Decisions The Decision to Follow John 1:35-42 Opening words: Blogger John Reitmer attended a seminar nearly ten years ago in St. Paul, Minnesota. The topic was the human brain and how we make decisions. According to the speakers, the average person makes more the 35,000 more

  • The Decision For A New Life Series

    Contributed by Russ Adams on Sep 24, 2015

    The choice is ours. Are we going to live making ourselves the center of our universe or are we going to live for God?

    September 20, 2015 6 Choices The Decision for a New Life John 3:1-15 Opening words: According to some, the average person makes more than 35,000 decisions in a single day. Most of them are rather simple: where to sit, what to eat at the next meal, what lane to drive in, should I have another cup more

  • Saved By Grace! Series

    Contributed by Russ Adams on Aug 26, 2015

    We are saved by grace.

    August 23, 2015 Church Planting Saved by Grace! Acts 15:1-11 Opening words: I love this story. A young Billy Graham was driving through a small southern town, when he was pulled over by a policeman and charged with speeding. Graham admitted his guilt, but was told by the officer that he would more

  • Knock Down, Not Out Series

    Contributed by Russ Adams on Aug 14, 2015
    based on 2 ratings

    We are call to be faithful, not successful

    August 9, 2015 Church Planting Knocked Down, Not Out Acts 14:8-20 Opening words: In 1858 the Illinois legislature--using an obscure statute--sent Stephen A. Douglas to the U.S. Senate instead of Abraham Lincoln, although Lincoln had won the popular vote. When a sympathetic friend asked Lincoln more

  • They Continued Series

    Contributed by Russ Adams on Aug 8, 2015

    The church must continue to proclaim the good news!

    August 2, 2015 Church Planting They Continued Acts 14:1-7 Opening words: Bob Woods tells the story of a couple who took their son, 11, and daughter, 7, to Carlsbad Caverns. As always, when the tour reached the deepest point in the cavern, the guide turned off all the lights to dramatize how more

  • Why Goto Church? Series

    Contributed by Russ Adams on Jul 30, 2015

    This message answers he question, why go to church?

    July 19, 2015 Why Go to Church? Isaiah 6:1-8 Opening Words: William Temple once said, “Worship is quickening the conscience by the holiness of God, feeding the mind with the truth of God, purging the imagination by the beauty of God, opening the heart to the love of God, and devoting the more

  • The Good, The Bad And The Ugly Series

    Contributed by Russ Adams on Jul 30, 2015

    People will respond to Jesus in one of three ways.

    July 26, 2015 Church Planting The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Acts 13:42-51 Opening words: I love this story. D.L. Moody once spoke with a woman who didn't like his method of evangelism. He replied, "I don't really like my method either. What is yours?” She answered, “I don’t more

  • My Addiction Series

    Contributed by Russ Adams on Jul 21, 2015

    Preaching has taken over my life!

    July 12, 2015 Church Planting My Addiction Acts 13:13-15 Opening words: I love this story. There was a pastor who never prepared his sermons in advance. His name was Ralph. Every Sunday morning he'd sit on the platform while the church was singing the hymns, desperately praying, "Lord, give me more

  • Land Of The Free Series

    Contributed by Russ Adams on Jul 8, 2015

    In America we have freedom of choice, speech and religion

    July 5, 2015 Independence Day 2015 Land of the Free Galatians 5:1-6 Opening words: This is the history of Independence Day. In June of 1776, a Virginian by the name of Richard Henry Lee proposed an American independence from England. The idea kept gaining support until the Second Continental more

  • Runnin' With The Devil Series

    Contributed by Russ Adams on Jun 30, 2015

    The Devil has put many things in our lives that distract us from hearing the word of God.

    June 28, 2015 Church Planting Runnin’ with the Devil Acts 13:4-12 Opening words: At the very heart of this morning’s scripture lesson is a very complex topic, the Devil. Did you know, in the Bible, the Devil is called by 42 different names? Those names are interchangeable. In this more

  • Ward Cleaver's Curse Series

    Contributed by Russ Adams on Jun 24, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    There are no perfect fathers.

    June 21, 2015 Father’s Day 2015 Genesis 37:1-4 Ward Cleaver’s Curse Opening words: Last month I told you Mother’s Day was big business. According to the Chicago Tribune, the average American spent $172.63 on their mother this year. That is up $10 from last year. That means more

  • The Ghost Of Christmas Present Series

    Contributed by Russ Adams on Dec 25, 2014

    Mary challenges us to completely God.

    December 21, 2014 Christmas According to Dickens The Ghost of Christmas Present Luke 1:46-56 Opening words: You know the story. Everybody knows the story. Miserly old business man Ebenezer Scrooge lived for nothing but money. The problem was his money wasn’t making him happier, it was more

  • The Ghost Of Christmas Past Series

    Contributed by Russ Adams on Dec 25, 2014

    For many Christmas isn't easy. This message reminds us of three truths. First, life is hard. Second, sometimes we need others. Third, we always need God.

    December 14, 2014 Christmas According to Dickens The Ghost of Christmas Past Luke 1:26-43 Opening words: It was Christmas Eve 1969. I was twelve years old and I can remember returning home from the midnight candlelight service at my home church. The family car was filled with my loved ones. more

  • Mankind Is Our Business Series

    Contributed by Russ Adams on Dec 25, 2014

    This sermon acts as an overview for the whole series, Christmas According to Dickens. The name Jesus is never used in the classic short story but his fingerprints are everywhere.

    December 7, 2014 Christmas According to Dickens Mankind is Our Business! Luke 1:1-4 Opening words: In 1843, the world was introduced to a new Christmas classic, A Christmas Carol. The timing of the book was perfect. England was nostalgic for old Christmas traditions and longed for the more

  • Drunk In Your Birthday Suit Series

    Contributed by Russ Adams on Sep 23, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    This message encourages us to live past our our mistakes

    Weird Stories in the Bible Drunk in your Birthday Suit Genesis 9:20-29 Opening words: Last week, I began a six part sermon series, Weird Stories in the Bible. There are more weird stories in the Bible then you would think. They are not the ones we visit annually like the nativity or the passion of more