Rodney Mason
Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Newest Sermons
It A New Season
Contributed on May 9, 2013
We must believe that God is bringing us out of the old and transitioning us into the new.
INTRODUCTION: The theme for this month is “It’s a New Season!” We have moved from 2011 into 2012; I don’t know about you but I must stop and praise God for allowing me and assisting me to move into my new season. But for some of us to experience this new season, we need to ...read more
Do You See What He Sees?
Contributed on Sep 22, 2006
This sermon is to develop a theology of the people that God calls to do ministry.
As Jesus passed by Levi what does He see? As Jesus passes by us today what does He see? Let us xpose the truths of this text to answer these questions: I. He saw his problem-"he saw Levi...sitting in the tax booth" a. Status-A jewish tax collector, he was hated by hisown people because he ...read more
God's Promises
Contributed on Sep 17, 2004
To survive the storms of life, we must understand that in God there are promises that He has made to us.
Introduction This week will start part 1 of 2 sermons entitled “Standing on the Promises”. The world we live in is full of troubles, tensions and turmoil. If we don’t have something to hold on to, we as the world will be hopeless and helpless. But we do have something to hold on to, the ...read more
Hold On
Contributed on Sep 17, 2004
It is important that Christians understand that they possess the ability to weather the storms of life.
Introduction This week will start part 2 of 2 sermons entitled “Standing on the Promises”. The world we live in is full of troubles, tensions and turmoil. If we don’t have something to hold on to, we as the world will be hopeless and helpless. I am reminded of my childhood when I was in school ...read more
Living A Victorious Life
Contributed on Sep 16, 2004
This sermon helps us a Christians to be able to have a life of victory. With these 4 steps we can move from victim to victor.
Introduction To live victorious, there is no self-help program but only a “God help me” program. James, the brother of Jesus, details 4 steps to help us to live as a victor and not a victim. Step 1-Submission to God · Submit means to yield or surrender oneself to the will or authority of ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Standing On The Promise
Contributed on Sep 17, 2004