  • Rocco Naudé

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Rocco's church

Undisclosed, *Province/Other Undisclosed

About Rocco
  • Education: BA (Theology) from Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan. I graduated in 1998, and still consider them four of the best years of my life.
  • Experience: I worked for 9 years as a minster of the Transvaal Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in South Africa. For the first two years I worked as an intern at various churches within the greater Johannesburg area under the mentorship of two fine pastors: Dr Bill Underwood (from the US) and Ps Gerhard Visser. Thereafter I served several congregations.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I try to remain faithful to the intent of the Biblical text, immerse my audience in the Biblical narrative, and pray that the God of Moses, David and Ruth -- the God of Peter, Andrew and the Roman Centurion -- will touch their lives as mine has been touched and leave them changed as mine has been changed. Of course, I don’t manage this nearly as often as I would like. If you have any suggestions, I will greatly appreciate them.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: This is probably heavily edited by selective memory :-) Don’t try to preach a good sermon, you’re focusing on yourself. Instead, let God use you -- and you’ll have preached a successful sermon. (Dr Bill Underwood). Find a secluded place, take a walk up the mountain, and in the quiet, preach your heart out. That way, when you stand up to preach, you’ll be preaching the familiar. (Ps Thinus Pretorius)
  • Books that have had an impact: The Bible, others definitely worth a read: The Message of David (Eugene H. Peterson), Six Hours One Friday (Max Lucado), Dating Secrets of the Ten Commandments (Schmuley Boteach), Steps to Christ (Ellen White). On a more academic note: Inspiration (Alden Thompson), The Way to Biblical Preaching (Donald G. Miller), The Witness of Preaching (Thomas G. Long), Visions that Shaped the Universe (Joseph L. Spradley), Present Truth in the Real World (Jon Paulien).
  • Hobbies: These are pretty tame-I leave the lion hunting to my head elder (at the time)... I enjoy reading (generally fiction) and playing computer games. Regarding ministry, my passion is preaching.
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Newest Sermons

  • A New Beginning

    Contributed on Feb 1, 2002
    based on 514 ratings

    This sermon is about new beginnings. We all mess up. And because we all mess up, we like to start over. But after too many disappointments we often give up. However, the Bible speaks of a "new creation"--and then we become abassadors of Jesus!

    I. Hope We all mess up. We say things we later wish we could take back. We do things we wish we could undo. We miss opportunities. This happens in all spheres of our lives. Sometimes we make mistakes at work, sometimes we hurt the people we love, sometimes we disappoint God. And because we more