  • Robert Rhodes

    Contributing sermons since Oct 19, 2009
Robert's church

Union Grove Baptist Church
Opelika, Alabama 36804

About Robert
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  • Revival-The Proof Pt. 2

    Contributed on Nov 19, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    7 Priorities to produce healthy Christians

    In part 1 of this sermon we noticed the first 2 parts THE DISCIPLE’S CONFIDENCE v. 14-35 THE PEOPLE’S CONVERSION v. 36-41 Now let’s notice THE PROCESS CONTINUES v. 42-47 There are 7 priorities weaved into these verses more

  • Revival-The Praying

    Contributed on Nov 19, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    It takes prayer to get the power for real revival.

    Several days ago I was walking and thinking about the pain of so many people. addiction-divorce-joblessness-financial difficulties and even some are homeless At that time I knew of two different families with no income and about to be evicted. The stress, depression and pain are everywhere. more

  • Revival-The Proof Pt. 1

    Contributed on Nov 19, 2009

    The proof of real salvation is continuing steadfastly and the proof of being Spirit filled is a desire to see souls saved.

    The Word “Pentecost” means 50th. It was a festival to be celebrated 50 days after the Passover. It was a celebration for the first fruits of the harvest, celebrating God’s provision. This Pentecost would be different. The disciples were about to celebrate God’s provision, the first fruits of more

  • Direction For Dads

    Contributed on Oct 31, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    No matter how spiritual we are, it is a difficult time to raise children to become real radical Christians.

    No matter how spiritual we are it is a difficult time to raise children to become a radical Christian. I’m not talking about modern Christianity where they go to church will little evidence of being any different throughout the week than everyone else. I’m talking about biblical Christianity more

  • In The Center Of God's Will

    Contributed on Oct 29, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    Being in the center of God’s will

    Today I would like to talk to you about being in the center of God’s will. God has created us with the ability to make decisions. It’s a wonderful privilege, but far too often it creates problems. If you’re like me we can make some bad decisions!! A long time ago I bought my 1st Harley more

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