  • Robert Joseph

    Contributing sermons since Sep 5, 2008
Robert's church

Parkway Church
Oak Creek, Wisconsin 53154

About Robert
  • Experience: Retired as of 12-15-2014
  • What I want on my tombstone: I Told You I Was Sick!
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Newest Sermons

  • Are Lost Souls Eternally Lost?

    Contributed on May 23, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    This is a Small Group topic. It looks at why lost souls will be lost, and why God cannot change His mind at the last minute and not put them in hell. It also contains questions for group discussion.

    Are unbelievers really lost for all eternity? Judging by their lack of concern for the lost, it seems many Christians don’t believe they are. But let’s see what the Bible says. In Ephesians 2:1 the apostle Paul wrote to the believers in Ephesus reminding them of their condition more

  • Are You Generous?

    Contributed on May 10, 2014

    This is a small group topic about being generous and looks at some of the reasons people aren't generous.

    ICE BREAKER Question: What kind of tip do you usually leave when you eat at a restaurant? KEY VERSE: “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” [2 Corinthians 9:6 NIV ] LESSON: In Matthew 10:8, Jesus said, more

  • Superstition, Luck, And Halloween

    Contributed on Oct 26, 2012
    based on 5 ratings

    A warning against mixing the beliefs of the pagan world--like luck and superstition--along with our precious Christian beliefs. Superstition is idolatry!

    A pastor was in line at McDonald’s when the woman ahead of him became very upset. “Quick,” she told the clerk in an upset voice, “Add something to my order.” Usually, when someone wants another sandwich or extra order of fries, they are much calmer about it. So, more

  • Fall In Love--With Things Above

    Contributed on Oct 13, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    If we fill our mind with heavenly things--as Colossians 3:1-2 instructs--we'll gradually become spiritual.

    FALL IN LOVE—WITH THINGS ABOVE By Robert Joseph In January of 1997, astronaut John Blaha returned to earth after spending the previous four months aboard the Russian Space Station, Mir. Besides conducting various experiments, his mission was to help scientists understand the more

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • The "Group-Think" Impulse

    Contributed on Jun 1, 2013
    based on 2 ratings

    THE "GROUP-THINK" IMPULSE Stand up for the truth. Romans 12:2 says, "...Do not be conformed to this world..." [NKJV] People today show a stong tendency to adjust their opinions to match those of the group. This goes a long way towards explaining why only a fraction of the educated more

  • Forgetting The Things Of Earth

    Contributed on Oct 13, 2010

    FORGETTING THE THINGS OF EARTH In January of 1997, astronaut John Blaha returned to earth after spending the previous four months aboard the Russian Space Station, Mir. Besides conducting various experiments, his mission was to help scientists understand the effects of long term more

  • Thomas Costain's History, The Three Edwards, ...

    Contributed on Sep 10, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Thomas Costain's history, The Three Edwards, describes the life of Raynald III, a fourteenth century duke in what is now Belgium. Grossly overweight, Raynald was often called by his Latin nickname, Crassus, which means "fat." After a violent quarrel, Raynald's younger brother Edward led a more

  • Thomas Costain's History, The Three Edwards, ...

    Contributed on Sep 10, 2008

    Thomas Costain’s history, The Three Edwards, describes the life of Raynald III, a fourteenth century duke in what is now Belgium. Grossly overweight, Raynald was often called by his Latin nickname, Crassus, which means “fat.” After a violent quarrel, Raynald’s younger brother more

  • Thomas Costain's History, The Three Edwards, ...

    Contributed on Sep 5, 2008

    Thomas Costain’s history, The Three Edwards, describes the life of Raynald III, a fourteenth century duke in what is now Belgium. Grossly overweight, Raynald was often called by his Latin nickname, Crassus, which means “fat.” After a violent quarrel, Raynald’s younger brother Edward led a more