  • Robert Eggers

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Robert's church

Trinity Lutheran Church
Park Hills, Missouri 63601

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Newest Sermons

  • Thank God Jesus Didn't Take His Own Advice

    Contributed on Sep 18, 2004
    based on 10 ratings

    Luke 14:25-33 is usually seen as Jesus’ advice to his disciples to be committed to him above all. But Jesus didn’t follow that advice and we thank God he didn’t because he went way beyond human logic and calculation to become our Savior and Lord.

    Luke 14:25-33 Thank God Jesus Didn’t Follow His Own Advise Jesus said, “Anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple. "Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it? For if he more

  • Real Repentance Is Fruitful

    Contributed on Dec 6, 2003
    based on 129 ratings

    3 Advent C, John’s tough love awakes our need for fruitful living in repentance

    Luke 3:7-18 Real Repentance Needs Fruit "What should we do then?" the crowd asked. 11 John answered, "The man with two tunics should share with him who has none, and the one who has food should do the same." 12 Tax collectors also came to be baptized. "Teacher," they asked, "what should we more

  • Which Mountain Will We Ascend?

    Contributed on Feb 26, 2001
    based on 47 ratings

    There are two kinds of Christians, those who follow rules and those who follow Chirst--which are you?

    Today’s gospel is from Luke 9, the account of Jesus’ transfiguration. But I would like to juxtapose that reading with an Old Testament text from Exodus. I read the Exodus passage first: The LORD said to Moses, "Come up to me on the mountain and stay here, and I will give you the tablets of more

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • Some Children Were Asked What Love Is. The ...

    Contributed on Dec 6, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    Some children were asked what love is. The responses were quite interesting and instructive for us adults. One said, "Love is when my mommy makes a cup of coffee for my daddy and takes a little taste before she gives it to him to make sure it tastes okay." Another said, "Love is when your puppy more