  • Robert Coats

    Contributing sermons since Nov 24, 2005
Robert's church

Mt Bethel Church of God (Anderson, IN)
Toccoa, Georgia 30577
706 886 2986

About Robert
  • Education: Board certification as Faith Based Christian Counselor from International Institute of Faith Based Counseling, Beaumont, TX 2006, Major course of study: Biblical counseling Bachelor of Science in Family Ministry from Toccoa Falls College, GPA: 3.31, Toccoa Falls GA 2004 Majored in Family ministry and minored in Biblical Studies and Counseling Skills. Served as president of Married Student Association from 2002 to 2004, Received Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities 2004, Received Standard Teacher Diploma from Evangelical Training Association, Inducted as an alumni of Toccoa Falls College Diploma in General course of study from Columbia High School, Lake City FL (1976) took high school classes
  • Experience: Mt Bethel Church of God, Toccoa GA: Senior Pastor (June 25, 2006-present) Preaching/Teaching God’s word, counseling and all aspects concerning of pasturing the church Mt Bethel Church of God, Toccoa GA: Associate Pastor (December 2004-2006) Teaching Bible study on Wednesday nights, counseling families when needed, and pulpit supply when needed. Licensed Minister with the Church of God InFaith Ministries, Toccoa GA: Co-founder and President (2000 - present) Founded and operate an online lay counseling ministry...talking and listening to others and providing biblical answers to life’s questions. Web site is Toccoa Life Pregnancy Crisis Center, Toccoa GA: Volunteer (2000 - 2002) Student ministry of Toccoa Falls College...updated client’s files on computer, helped organize supplies and items for center, did some counseling of soon to be new fathers. Gul International Inc., Lake City FL: Director of Pen Friend Ministry (1997 - 2000) Served as director of ministry to youth of Turkey, handled correspondence for office ministry support, assisted in presentations at churches. Assisted in Turkish Believers Conferences. Assisted in planting and serving as elder of the Great Commission International Church in Lake City, FL...filled in for pulpit supply of church G & H Food Store, Lake City FL: Night manager/Produce manager (1993 - 1990) Operated registers, made deposits, supervised night shift employees, managed produce department, ordered supplies and merchandise S & S Food Stores, Lake City FL: Manager (1993 - 1996) Managed retail convenience store, supervised a staff of six employees, handled ordering of merchandise, paperwork and deposits
  • Family: I was married November 1, 1979...My wife’s name is Phyllis We have one son...he is married and they are expecting their first child in November
  • What I want on my tombstone: Returned Home
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Newest Sermons

  • Give It To God!!

    Contributed on Mar 4, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    Cast your worries and cares upon God

    Give it to God!! 1 Peter 5:6-7 Introduction: Once there was a man laying down with his ear pressed against the sidewalk, he was there a long time and many people walked by him…they would stop for a moment and stare and then move on….then a crowd started to gather…wondering what he was more

  • Exchanging Gifts

    Contributed on Dec 21, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    We exchange gifts at Christmas time...what gifts do we exchange with God!

    Exchanging Gifts Matthew 2:1-11 At this time of the year, we all get to exchange gifts. Families all come together from all over to enjoy each others company, food and gifts. This Tuesday we celebrate Christmas and last Sunday evening the youth presented a play about our Savior’s more

  • Is Your House Clean

    Contributed on Oct 23, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    What does your house look like? Is it clean on the outside and filthy inside? Jesus has a message for us all!

    Is Your House Clean? Matthew 23:25-28 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and of the dish, but inside they are full of robbery and self-indulgence. "You blind Pharisee, first clean the inside of the cup and of the dish, so that the outside of it more

  • Why Shepherds?

    Contributed on Dec 14, 2006
    based on 10 ratings

    Have you ever wondered why God would chose shepherds? Why not Rabbis, priests, King Herod, or the High Priest himself?

    Why Shepherds? Scripture Reading: Luke 2:8­20 Last week we heard about the birth of John the Baptist and that he was the forerunner to Jesus. He was called from the womb to prepare the way for our Lord. This morning we are going to look at shepherds. Shepherds were not really important in more

  • The Conduct Of Believers

    Contributed on Nov 29, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    We as believers have a certian conduct that Peter says we are to adhere this sermon Peter will address, wives, husbands and all believers.

    The Conduct of Believers I Peter 3:1-17 Last week we saw that Jesus Christ is our example, our role model. This morning following the example of Christ we will look into our conduct as believers The Apostle Peter states in chapter 1 verse 17, that “we are to conduct ourselves in fear during more

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • I Remember When I Was Growing Up; Many Times We ...

    Contributed on Dec 21, 2007

    I remember when I was growing up; many times we made our own toys and gifts: but we always exchanged gifts. There are many traditions in the way gifts are exchanged. I remember a time we were at a friend’s home at Christmas and the way they exchanged gifts was that one person would open a gift and more

  • When I Was Growing Up I Had Many Role Models. ...

    Contributed on Nov 23, 2006

    When I was growing up I had many role models. There was my dad, grandparents, television personalities, and when I started playing football there was different football players I looked up to as role models. I remember watching O. J. Simpson when he played for the Buffalo Bills…He was known as “The more