Robert's church

East Homer Church of Christ
Homer, Alaska 99603

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  • Owe No Man Anything

    Contributed on Dec 12, 2022

    The end of the year is approaching, and most of us are very busy. The New Year is rapidly approaching. A lot of us look forward to the new year as a time to make changes, new starts, and for many, a time to think about budgets.

    The end of the year is approaching, and most of us are very busy. The New Year is rapidly approaching. A lot of us look forward to the new year as a time to make changes, new starts, and for many, a time to think about budgets. In fact, we will be working on the congregational budget soon. But more

  • Solomon's Succinct Summary

    Contributed on Aug 23, 2022

    As we conclude our study of this book, I want us to think back. Consider the journey that Solomon has taken us on in this book. He started off in 1:1 by saying, “Everything is futile. Everything is Vain.”

    And then he walks us through all the experiences, all the pursuits, all the different ways he tried to find meaning in life. And now, after all these lessons, we come to Solomon’s Succinct Summary. His conclusion can be remembered by dividing it into 4 “R’s”, Rejoice, Remember, Reflect and more

  • Tomorrow May Be Too Late - Ecclesiastes 11

    Contributed on Jul 29, 2022

    In my Bible, this chapter titled “Invest in Life.”

    Tomorrow May Be Too Late - Ecclesiastes 11 Last time we were in Ecclesiastes, we saw Solomon’s Portrait of a Fool in chapter 10. Now, in chapter 11, Solomon is starting to wrap up his thoughts. In my Bible, this chapter titled “Invest in Life.” This may seem to contradict with the concept of more

  • Timing Is Everything

    Contributed on Jul 16, 2022

    In the LOTR movie, the Fellowship of the Ring, Gandalf the wizard says

    Timing is Everything Introduction Welcome In the LOTR movie, the Fellowship of the Ring, Gandalf the wizard says, "A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins. Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to." And while that's a humorous way for the character to get around the fact more

  • Portrait Of A Fool

    Contributed on Jul 16, 2022

    Ecclesiastes 10 gives us a portrait of a fool,

    Portrait of a Fool Introduction Tonight we are continuing our study through the book of Ecclesiastes. Our last lesson came from chapter 9, where Solomon repeatedly pointed out that so many things in this life don't matter, in the end. What does matter is our relationship with God. Today we move more

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