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  • What Do You Look For In God's Purpose? Series

    Contributed by Rob Hall on Dec 1, 2014

    What God is trying to do in and with our world

    What do you look for in God’s purpose? Text: Eph. 3:10-11 Intro: 1. If you were to describe God’s purpose to someone what would you say? 2. Generally we think of salvation and punishment, heaven and hell 3. Jesus uses various terms and concepts to describe his mission: seek and more

  • What Do You Look For In Obedience? Series

    Contributed by Rob Hall on Dec 1, 2014

    obedience to God is more than just doing

    What do you look for in obedience? What do you see? Text: Mt. 22:34-40 Intro: 1. “Good teacher what must I do to get eternal life?” 2. This question reflects the thinking of many when it comes to considering obedience to God 3. Obedience is when a command is issued and effort is made more

  • What Do You Look For In Faith? Series

    Contributed by Rob Hall on Dec 1, 2014

    a different perspective of faith

    What do you look for in faith? What do you see? Text: Heb. 11:1 Intro: 1. Three simple questions challenge us daily in multitudes of ways: What do you believe? Why do you believe? How do you express that belief? 2. Faith is not a random, isolated topic confined to religion, but more

  • What Do You Look For In Circumstances? Series

    Contributed by Rob Hall on Dec 1, 2014

    take a new look at difficulty

    What do you look for in circumstances? What do you see? Text: James 1:2-4 Intro: 1. There are some situations that are life changing: Marriage, birth of a baby, graduation from school Car wreck, rejection by someone, being made fun of 2. We rarely, if ever give second thought to their impact, more

  • What Do You Look For In Christianity? Series

    Contributed by Rob Hall on Dec 1, 2014

    a more apologetic look at Christianity

    What do you look for what do you see in Christianity? Text: Mt. 16:16-18 Intro: 1. it is interesting how we see things differently, How we perceive what is happening, hear what is being said 2. The same could be said for Christianity. I. WHAT PEOPLE SEE IN CHRISTIANITY, THE CHRISTIAN more

  • What Do You Look For In People? Series

    Contributed by Rob Hall on Dec 1, 2014

    challenge our perspective of people

    What do we look for and what do we see in people? Text: Mt. 11:1-9 Intro: 1. Consider some of the statistics about attractive people 2. Jesus asks a good question in Mt. 11:7 What did you go out to see? I. JESUS AND JOHN Mt. 11 A. John the Baptizer was in prison and sent disciples to more

  • What Do You Look For In Jesus Series

    Contributed by Rob Hall on Dec 1, 2014

    simply challenging our thinking as to what we look for in certain things; how we approach and look at certain topics

    What do you look for in Jesus? What do you see? Text: Mt. 16:13 Intro: 1. In the region of Caesarea Phillippi, Jesus asked his disciples: Who do people say the Son of Man is? 2. While this is an identity question, their answer also indicates just what it is they look for. I. PEOPLE RESPONDED more

  • A Depressed Faith Series

    Contributed by Rob Hall on Nov 20, 2012

    This Psalm sums up the Christian faith and what God asks us to do.

    A DEPRESSED FAITH Text: Ps. 88 Intro: 1. We’ve seen some powerful Psalms of faith, praise, doubt turned into understanding and confidence 2. Tonite our focus is quite different----Ps. 88 I. THE PSALM VOICED BY THE PSALMIST vv. 1-2 he cries to God and asks Him to listen, to turn his ears to more

  • God's Loving Kindness Series

    Contributed by Rob Hall on Nov 20, 2012

    this Psalm reminds us of God's covenant loyalty. He has special blessings for those who enjoy a relationship with Him

    GOD’S LOVING KINDNESS Text: Ps. 103 Intro: 1. In the great fish story of the Bible, Jonah gets angry with God when he doesn’t punish the people of Nineveh 2. He has a most interesting prayer which very clearly highlights the content and condition of his heart: “O Lord, is this more

  • Under The Judgment Of God Series

    Contributed by Rob Hall on Nov 20, 2012

    Psa. 50 took us into the big courtroom of God, Ps. 51 reveals a heart in God's courtroom, one who feels God's scrutiny and his own sinfulness

    UNDER THE JUDGMENT OF GOD Text: Ps. 51 Intro 1. We’ve seen the judgment motif in several of the Psalms Ps. 73—from afar, considering it making sense of things Ps. 50---more up close—God judging his people of the covenant 2. Now in Ps. 51, traditionally the psalm of David more

  • God Goes To Court Series

    Contributed by Rob Hall on Nov 20, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    This Psalm gives us a picture of some things that God looks at among His people

    GOD GOES TO COURT Text: Ps. 50 Intro: 1. One place I am very uncomfortable with is a courtroom. 2. I've been called to jury duty a couple of times and it just gives a weird feeling in my stomach to be there. 3. Can you imagine being called into God's courtroom? 4. The Psalmist introduces the more

  • The Wonders Of God Series

    Contributed by Rob Hall on Nov 20, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    This Psalm broadens our awareness of evidence for God

    THE WONDERS OF GOD Text: Ps. 19 Intro: 1. “I want to see, I want to touch, smell, hear God.” 2. I want to know He exists. 3. Jesus said of the wind: “ the wind blows wherever it pleases, you hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going.” 4. more

  • It Happened In Worship One Day Series

    Contributed by Rob Hall on Nov 20, 2012

    This Psalm reminds us of another significance of worship

    IT HAPPENED IN WORSHIP ONE DAY Text: Ps. 73 Intro: 1. Usually, when we think of solving problems we think about going to a lawyer, the bank, city dept. of ____________. 2. We don’t think about going to worship. 3. But that is exactly what happens in our Psalm 73 I. THE DILEMMA VV. 1-2 more

  • Our Kind Of Prayer Series

    Contributed by Rob Hall on Nov 20, 2012

    this Psalm expresses our trust and dependence upon God

    OUR KIND OF PRAYER Text: Ps. 25 Intro: 1. sing the youth song---unto thee, O Lord, Do I lift up my soul… 2. That is taken straight from Ps. 25, our text for tonite. 3. Read the Psalm 4. What do we see of the psalmist as he looks to God? I. WE SEE HIS SPIRIT A. sacrificial---v. 1-2 I more

  • Living The Tough Life Of Faith Series

    Contributed by Rob Hall on Nov 20, 2012

    We are reminded in this Psalm of the fact that God sees and knows and will take care of both the righteous and the wicked. We need to trust Him.

    LIVING THE TOUGH LIFE OF FAITH Text. Ps. 37 Intro: 1. Habakkuk struggled with sin then with God's plan for it 2. We struggle with the same thing, where is God and why doesn't He do something about this world we live in? 3. Ps. 37 is another wisdom Psalm, teaching us a perspective of faith 2. more

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