Sermon Series
  • 1. What Do You Look For In Jesus

    Contributed on Dec 1, 2014

    simply challenging our thinking as to what we look for in certain things; how we approach and look at certain topics

    What do you look for in Jesus? What do you see? Text: Mt. 16:13 Intro: 1. In the region of Caesarea Phillippi, Jesus asked his disciples: Who do people say the Son of Man is? 2. While this is an identity question, their answer also indicates just what it is they look for. I. PEOPLE more

  • 2. What Do You Look For In People?

    Contributed on Dec 1, 2014

    challenge our perspective of people

    What do we look for and what do we see in people? Text: Mt. 11:1-9 Intro: 1. Consider some of the statistics about attractive people 2. Jesus asks a good question in Mt. 11:7 What did you go out to see? I. JESUS AND JOHN Mt. 11 A. John the Baptizer was in prison and sent more

  • 3. What Do You Look For In Christianity?

    Contributed on Dec 1, 2014

    a more apologetic look at Christianity

    What do you look for what do you see in Christianity? Text: Mt. 16:16-18 Intro: 1. it is interesting how we see things differently, How we perceive what is happening, hear what is being said 2. The same could be said for Christianity. I. WHAT PEOPLE SEE IN CHRISTIANITY, THE CHRISTIAN more

  • 4. What Do You Look For In Circumstances?

    Contributed on Dec 1, 2014

    take a new look at difficulty

    What do you look for in circumstances? What do you see? Text: James 1:2-4 Intro: 1. There are some situations that are life changing: Marriage, birth of a baby, graduation from school Car wreck, rejection by someone, being made fun of 2. We rarely, if ever give second thought to their more

  • 5. What Do You Look For In Faith?

    Contributed on Dec 1, 2014

    a different perspective of faith

    What do you look for in faith? What do you see? Text: Heb. 11:1 Intro: 1. Three simple questions challenge us daily in multitudes of ways: What do you believe? Why do you believe? How do you express that belief? 2. Faith is not a random, isolated topic confined to religion, but more

  • 6. What Do You Look For In Obedience?

    Contributed on Dec 1, 2014

    obedience to God is more than just doing

    What do you look for in obedience? What do you see? Text: Mt. 22:34-40 Intro: 1. “Good teacher what must I do to get eternal life?” 2. This question reflects the thinking of many when it comes to considering obedience to God 3. Obedience is when a command is issued and effort is more

  • 7. What Do You Look For In God's Purpose?

    Contributed on Dec 1, 2014

    What God is trying to do in and with our world

    What do you look for in God’s purpose? Text: Eph. 3:10-11 Intro: 1. If you were to describe God’s purpose to someone what would you say? 2. Generally we think of salvation and punishment, heaven and hell 3. Jesus uses various terms and concepts to describe his mission: seek more