Ralph Jenkins
Contributing sermons since May 16, 2013
Newest Sermons
They Were A Spirit-Filled Church
Contributed on May 28, 2013
We have before us today a picture of the model church. You’ve heard me say; “if our church could be any kind of church our church wanted to be what kind of church would our church be?” The answer is found here in Acts 2:42-47.
They Were a Spirit Filled Church Acts 2:42-47 We began our study in Acts 1-2 with the idea that God was able to do so much in and through the first church because of their belief. They believed in all that Jesus ever began to and teach, they believed in the resurrection, they believed in the ...read more
They Believed In Spirit-Filled Preaching.
Contributed on May 28, 2013
I think it’s interesting that not until Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit that he began to preach. No preacher, should ever seek to preach without having been filled with the Holy Spirit.
“They Believed in Spirit-Filled Preaching” Acts 2:14-41 In the last message from Acts we saw that the Apostles and first church believed in the Holy Spirit. They had waited for what the Father had promised, the indwelling and infilling of the Holy Spirit. There was no way they ...read more
They Believed In The Holy Spirit
Contributed on May 28, 2013
The disciples and the first church believed in the Holy Spirit. They may not have understood completely at this point the great importance of the Holy Spirit and just why they needed to wait for Him as the Father had promised but they knew Jesus had prom
They Believed in the Holy Spirit Acts 2:1-4 John 14:15-26; John 16:5-14; Acts 1:4-8 Acts 2:1-4; And when the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. 2 And suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent, rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they ...read more
I'll Serve Him While I'm Waiting
Contributed on May 28, 2013
I have come to learn that there are times and periods in our lives when God says wait and through personal experience I have learned that when God is saying wait we need to wait, be still, be silent, listen, and let God do what it is that He must do. I h
“I’ll Serve Him While I’m Waiting” Acts 1:9-26 Have you ever had to wait for something? I’m not very good at waiting, I’m not a very patient person. I don’t like waiting at the doctor’s office, I don’t like waiting for a table at the ...read more
They Believed In The Kingdom Of God
Contributed on May 28, 2013
the first church was able to do all the did because they honestly believed in all Jesus ever began to do and teach..
“They Believed in the Kingdom of God” 4 Gathering them together, He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for what the Father had promised, "Which," He said, "you heard of from Me; 5 for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
"A Church On Fire"
Contributed on May 28, 2013
He's Alive
Contributed on May 21, 2013
The Book Acts
Contributed on May 16, 2013
Book Of Acts
Contributed on May 16, 2013