  • Peter Reece

    Contributing sermons since May 21, 2014
Peter's church


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  • The Birth Of The Messiah Foretold

    Contributed on Nov 27, 2022

    The genealogy of Jesus in Matthew's gospel looks ultra boring, but does in fact have important things to say. Matthew shows not only that Jesus is the Messiah, but He is the only possible Messiah.

    I love watching all those television programmes where people explore their ancestry. Do you? In the words of the Ancestry website – it brings their back-story to life. Which is exactly what Matthew seeks to do with his genealogy of Jesus. Matthew wants to bring the back-story if Jesus, the more

  • Sing A New Song To The Lord

    Contributed on Jan 1, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    Expounding on Isaiah 42: 1 - 10 - the character of the Suffering Servant. Christmas is over, now what? Or even, so what? What was the character of the young Jesus really like? What new thing will God do in our lives this year?

    Isaiah 42: 1—10 Sermon notes Christmas is over and for many it is a time of recovery from the pressures of celebration, from the trials of family, from the financial expense of the 'Retail spirit of Christmas'. Instead of being tall upstanding oak trees, deeply rooted in the words of scripture, more