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  • Gateways To Faith Series

    Contributed by Paul Kallan on Apr 19, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    Mary of Magdala searches, Peter examines and makes sure, John believes, and Jesus finds all of them with the gift of a new life, hope, strength and orientation.

    Today we celebrate the resurrection of Christ. Through his resurrection Jesus becomes Christ to the world. Resurrection is the certainty and proof of the truth of his message. If his message did not contain the eternal truth of human life, his resurrection would not have been possible. In fact more

  • A Grain Of Wheat Is Much Bigger Than A Grain Series

    Contributed by Paul Kallan on Apr 4, 2003
    based on 58 ratings

    What Jesus teaches his disciples is not an empty phrase or a useless theory, but a reality that is proved by personal experiences of himself and of many of his followers and even by the findings of modern psychology: "He who loves his life loses it, and h

    A river wanted to flow to the sea through a desert. But it got afraid when it saw the immense dry sand. It complained: "The desert will drink my water, the hot breath of the sun will destroy me and I will be reduced to merely a stinking swamp". Then it heard a voice:"Trust the desert!" But the more

  • From Sacrifice To Liberation Series

    Contributed by Paul Kallan on Mar 15, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    It may be possible that we have false gods in our life; and we may have a false idea of the One True God. But this lenten season demands us to let God Himself correct and transform our faith into a life-saving one.

    The Film „Gangs of New York“ revolves around a battle between two political parties – Tammany Hall and Native Americans –to gain the power of the city. It is a bloody battle in which many are injured, many lose their possessions and still more lose their lives. It is the result of an attempt to more

  • Wilderniss Into Oasis Series

    Contributed by Paul Kallan on Mar 5, 2003
    based on 38 ratings

    When we experience wilderness in life, it is difficult to uphold our moral standards. Rooted in God and with the power Jesus gives us, we can try to overcome the attractions and promises of evil.

    Mark 1.12-15 describes the Temptation of Christ in the Wilderness. After the baptism in the Jordan, the Spirit leads him to the wilderness to spend fourty days of fasting and prayer. There he is tempted to give up the call of God and yield to the temptation to react to situations in the normal more

  • The Face Of Fasting At A Holy Marriage Series

    Contributed by Paul Kallan on Mar 5, 2003
    based on 55 ratings

    To fast means to integrate the gospel into human life. It is the unity of the two opposites between the difficulty to overcome the human tendency to evil and the joy of embracing the Word of God.

    Once there was a father with a son who was lazy. He tried to convince his son that he should join him in the work on his farm. The son was not convinced. The father was actually worried, how his son would earn his living after his death. Therefore, before his death, the father called his son and more

  • The Pushcart Of Healing

    Contributed by Paul Kallan on Feb 22, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    We all need people who can open the roof of hindrances in order to come to the source of healing.

    A tribe called Karbis lives In a remote village called Rongphar in Assam, India. It is a forest area and less connected with the modern facilities of the nearby city, Guwahati. When people in that village fall sick, they carry them on a pushcart to the nearby clinic which is about ten kilometres more

  • Beyond The Fear Of Infection Series

    Contributed by Paul Kallan on Feb 15, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    The courage of solidarity leads us to stand above the fear of infection and touch the other in his suffering and to lift him out of exclusion, loss of relationship and death. Then we become witnesses to the power of God in the world.

    The gospel passage Mark 1.40-45 shows how God relates himself to the human infirmities of body and mind. The story shows the possibility of human suffering under physical and mental infirmities. The story brings us clarity through the two opposing behaviours. God tries to bring healing into such a more

  • The Sunset Of Evil

    Contributed by Paul Kallan on Feb 8, 2003
    based on 28 ratings

    If the source of our sicknesses is located in the false gods we worship, we need the help of the true God to replace them with the beliefs, ideas, values and goals that offer us healing and new life.

    Mk 1.29-39 presents a scene of healing. He heals Simon’s mother-in-law and she begins to serve them. Good health is a necessary condition to be at the service of God and neighbour. God grants it to those who are eager to enter into this service. At sunset, he heals all the sick and the possessed, more

  • Give Life And You Get It More! Series

    Contributed by Paul Kallan on Feb 1, 2003
    based on 27 ratings

    We are called to remember that beyond the demands that we make, battles we fight, our urge to retaliate and the violence we offer, the gospel (Lk.2.22-32) calls us to self-giving, commitment and self-sacrifice for the happiness and wellbeing of the other.

    The german newspaper „Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung“ carried on 29. January 2003 an article on Mr. George W. Bush, the President of USA. I was really surprised to find out that he is a very active member of the United Methodist Church. It seems, every day he begins the work in the White House with more

  • Come And Follow Me

    Contributed by Paul Kallan on Jan 25, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    When I have experienced the joy of God’s message, I offer it also to others who need it. But not with tricks or wrong methods, but inviting, attracting, luring and offering, just as God does it.

    One evening, a social worker received a telephone call, saying that an old man had a fall on the way, as he went for a walk, and immediately needed help. The social worker called up his colleage, who was a voluntary helper, and asked him to come along. The colleage replied, “Wait a moment. I must more

  • Lamb: The Image Of The Human

    Contributed by Paul Kallan on Jan 17, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    Today we are accustomed to a weaponsculture. Man develops inner psychological weapons as well as external physical weapons. But we need to develop a culture that tries to make the weak stronger.

    Some years ago, there was a very famous film star, MG Ramachandran by name, in Tamil Nadu in India. In his films he always acted as a fighter of injustice and a saviour of the poor, the helpless and the oppressed. He was the saviour who wiped the tears of misery and showed the helpless the way to more

  • Baptism Of Spirit

    Contributed by Paul Kallan on Jan 11, 2003
    based on 37 ratings

    “I am baptised with the water of repentance; but am I still baptised in the Spirit of God?”

    At the beginning of the World War II, Israel Eugenio was the chief Rabbi of Rome. The Nazis occupied Rome in September 1943. The Nazi officer Kappler demanded 50 kg of gold in place of the Jews. The Jews feverishly managed to collect 35 kg. The chief Rabbi Zolli realized his helplessness. For the more

  • Giving

    Contributed by Paul Kallan on Jan 4, 2003
    based on 50 ratings

    When life does not flow to others through us, there is no giving. When we begin to give as God gives Himself, God fills us with more of His life. God is God because He gives Himself.

    A story that Theodor Schnitzler, an erstwhile parish priest of Cologne, narrates, explains the nature of a gift. Those were the days of hunger and misery soon after the World War II. One day before Christmas, he visited an old man in a home for the aged. During the conversation, the postman more

  • Faith That Turns Darkness Into Light

    Contributed by Paul Kallan on Dec 30, 2002
    based on 28 ratings

    Put your hand into the hand of God and go out into the darkness. That shall be to you Better than light and safer than a known way.’

    Charles Dickens tells the story of Scrooge in “A Christmas Carol”. Scrooge and Marley were business partners as well as life-long friends. Both of them were very greedy, heartless and inhuman to those who worked with them as well as to the needy people around them. Seven years after the death, more

  • The Broken Nest

    Contributed by Paul Kallan on Dec 27, 2002
    based on 25 ratings

    If God is allowed to lead our families, we all live already in His healing and salvation.

    Often we make the decisions on our family matters out of social pressures. The pressures of education and job market determine the relationship between the parents and children. Morality, religion and personal development have become secondary to the pressures of careerism. We play according to more