  • Patrik Olterman

    Contributing sermons since Mar 14, 2006
Patrik 's church

Olt Ministries
Riga, *Province/Other lv-1001

About Patrik
  • Experience: I have worked with Human rights and youth movements since I left Highschool, red cross, a world of difference, United - Öresundskyrkan and the salvation army.
  • Family: I am married to the beautiful Hanna with my daughter Angelina getting into constant trouble (2 years old) and another one due any week now.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Never grow up!
  • Hobbies: Martial arts, Extreme sports (Kite surfing, rollerblading, snow boarding)
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Newest Sermons

  • Passionate Living

    Contributed on Mar 14, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    An inspiration to live a passionate life because we have a passionate God. A call to return to the first love.

    Passionate living – the way God chooses to live. What is passion? Pathos = feel or suffer, used to denote destiny • Passion renders us passive under an emotion, the emotion becomes the active agent (Jesus in • Getsemane“thy will be more