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  • Don't Back Down When Facing Trials

    Contributed by Palitha Jayasooriya on Oct 16, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Tom Petty sang 'I won't Back Down' probably referring to earthly challenges.This mini sermon encourages Christians not to back down when facing spiritual challenges. It is based around the life-threatening challenge faced by the Prophet Daniel.

    Don’t Back Down When Facing Trials Popular singer/songwriter Tom Petty passed away recently after a highly successful career. One of Petty’s most loved songs was titled ‘I Won’t Back Down’. Some of the lyrics go like this: Well, I won't back down No, I won't back down You can stand me up at the more

  • 4 Steps To Win The Battle Over Worry

    Contributed by Palitha Jayasooriya on Oct 14, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon highlights 4 insights given by Jesus to win the battle over worry and to overcome anxiety.

    Winning the Battle Over Worry (Matthew 6:25-34) A man was constantly worrying that somebody was under his bed. He went to a Counselor who was willing to help him, but at a high fee, over many months. A few weeks later the Counselor met the man on the street and asked him why he had not returned. more

  • Building A City On Prayer- Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Palitha Jayasooriya on Sep 30, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    Part 3 and the last in a series of sermons studying Nehemiah's prayer life, as he set about the great task of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. The band Starship sang, 'We built this city on rock 'n roll'' but Nehemiah built the city walls on prayer!

    Building a City on Prayer - Part 3 So far in this series, we have discussed the following prayer strategies of Nehemiah. He prayed fervently He focused on the greatness of the One he was praying to He prayed for favor He prayed the promises of God He prayed against resistance He prayed for more

  • Building A City On Prayer Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Palitha Jayasooriya on Aug 29, 2016
    based on 7 ratings

    This is part 2 of a series of sermons focusing on Nehemiah's prayer life as he set about the great task of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem.

    Building a City on Prayer - Part 2 Hi Friends, in our last post we shared 4 prayer pointers from the life of Nehemiah (Please see link to part 1 on my Profile Page). They were, He prayed fervently He focused on the greatness of the One he was praying to He prayed for favor He prayed the promises more

  • Building A City On Prayer Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Palitha Jayasooriya on Aug 2, 2016
    based on 8 ratings

    This is part 1 of a series of sermons focusing on Nehemiah"s prayer life as he set about the great task of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem.

    Building A City On Prayer - Part 1 The book of Nehemiah is one that is filled with courage, effective leadership, faith, motivation, a great sense of adventure and a desire to honor God. Upon receiving information that the walls of Jerusalem were broken down and in ruins and the gates burned with more

  • Waters Of Refreshing

    Contributed by Palitha Jayasooriya on Jun 13, 2016
    based on 11 ratings

    This sermon will encourage you if you are going through a season of dryness or a bitter experience. Allow the Lord to lead you to His 'Waters of Refreshing'. 'God has already planned His provision for your trials'.

    Waters of Refreshing (Exodus 15:22-27) I’m sure you have heard or read of harrowing stories of people who had to survive in desert-like conditions with either a limited supply or no supply of water. It’s a deadly place to be in when one has to literally live off the land, till help more

  • Are You A Branded Person?

    Contributed by Palitha Jayasooriya on Apr 18, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    A short Devotional to encourage those who have been put down by others and to help them understand the value that God places on them.

    Are You A Branded Person? When they let me out of prison, I held my head up high Determined i would rise above the shame But no matter where I'm living, the black mark follows me I'm branded with a number on my name I’d like to hold my head up and be proud of who I am But they won’t more

  • Jesus Christ Never Changes

    Contributed by Palitha Jayasooriya on Mar 7, 2016
    based on 5 ratings

    This devotional is based around Hebrews 13:8. It talks about a Savior who never changes. Some of the thoughts on this devotional were taken off a sermon I heard preached by Pastor H.B.Charles Jnr.

    Jesus Christ Never Changes Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever". (Hebrews 13:8) This is one of the most powerful verses in the scriptures and one that almost every Christian knows by memory! In a world where things change so fast, where life seems to move so fast and where more

  • Torn Between Two Loves

    Contributed by Palitha Jayasooriya on Feb 10, 2016
    based on 10 ratings

    This sermon shows how easily we can lose our first love for God due to other temptations.

    Torn Between Two Loves (1 JOHN 2:15-17) INTRODUCTION - Those who are part of the generation I grew up in would remember the 1977 pop hit 'Torn Between Two Lovers" sung by Mary MacGregor. It spoke about a lady who was attracted to 2 men at the same time. In the lyrics she tells one of them, 'It more

  • Breakfast On The Beach

    Contributed by Palitha Jayasooriya on Feb 1, 2016
    based on 11 ratings

    This sermon is based around the miracle of fish experienced by the Disciples, and the fellowship they had thereafter with Jesus, on the beach of the sea of Galilee.

    Breakfast on the Beach (John 21:1-13) Introduction- Many men I know like to go fishing. Others like to eat fish, which is considered to be healthy for the heart (Omega 3 oils?). Yet others are known for loving a sea-food diet. What that often means is that they love to eat all the food they more

  • God's Restoration Of The Lost Years

    Contributed by Palitha Jayasooriya on Jan 10, 2016
    based on 13 ratings

    This sermon encourages us to trust God during the 'dry seasons' of our life with the confidence that He will bring restoration into our life and Ministry

    GOD’S RESTORATION OF THE LOST YEARS (Isaiah 54, Joel 2) INTRODUCTION – One of the historical wonders of my country Sri Lanka is the complex rock fortress, Sigiriya, and the palace built on it by one of our former Kings, Kasyapa, many centuries ago. It is an amazing place to see & more

  • God's Favor On The New Year

    Contributed by Palitha Jayasooriya on Dec 28, 2015
    based on 15 ratings

    This sermon gives us confidence to face the New Year. It directs us to God's goodness and favor that will sustain us always.

    God's Favor on the New Year “You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance”. (Psalm 65:11 NLT) What a powerful verse!! INTRODUCTION – As the year comes to an end, you may be going through much reflection as to what happened in the past 12 months. more

  • The Christmas Light That Brings Hope

    Contributed by Palitha Jayasooriya on Dec 17, 2015
    based on 14 ratings

    I preached this sermon last Sunday, December 13th, 2015, at our Christmas Carol Service. It is shown here mostly as it was presented. The sermon talks about the Light of Jesus that brings hope for more than a season.

    THE CHRISTMAS LIGHT THAT BRINGS HOPE (ISAIAH 9:1-7, MATTHEW 4:13-16) INTRODUCTION – Good evening friends, it’s so nice to have you at our Christmas production 2015, “Christmas Hope – for more than a season”. I want to speak tonight about a hope that lasts beyond a season. One of our musicians told more

  • 5 Foundations To Build A Blessed Family

    Contributed by Palitha Jayasooriya on Nov 25, 2015
    based on 10 ratings

    At a time of increasing turmoil in families, this sermon identifies some of the foundations that are needed to build a blessed family

    5 FOUNDATIONS TO BUILD A BLESSED FAMILY INTRODUCTION - Many buildings that look strong on the outside develop cracks and some collapse, due to the foundation being weak. Bad foundations produce bad buildings! It’s no different with building a blessed family. Didn’t the Lord Jesus more

  • 3 Things To Be Thankful For

    Contributed by Palitha Jayasooriya on Nov 16, 2015
    based on 18 ratings

    This sermon challenges us to have a thankful heart in 3 areas and to learn to live with gratitude.

    3 THINGS TO BE THANKFUL FOR INTRODUCTION – Recently, my brother Nimal, who was formerly a ship's captain and is now a lay Pastor in our church, shared the Word of God in one of our services. In that sermon he expressed his appreciation and thanks to me for being the first in our family more