  • Oscar Medina

    Contributing sermons since Jul 2, 2004
Oscar's church

Baptist General Conference
Arlington Heights, Illinois 60005

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  • Two Views On Goodness

    Contributed on Nov 27, 2016

    How do you determine whether something or someone is "good"? Ananias & Saphira appear to be "good" yet they weren't.

    Intro: I’ve done a little ancestry work with my siblings and in some previous travels to Cuba. We found out some interesting things; my ancestors on my Mom’s side go back to Spain in two generations, but on my Dad’s side they go back in Cuba 4 generations. Those great-great more

  • Glimpses Of A Heroic Life

    Contributed on Nov 27, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    An overview of Samson's life, emphasizing that his significance was not in the apparent heroic deeds, but in his life as a Judge.

    It’s the first Sunday of the year, so I feel kind of like I’m the opening act, getting you all warmed up I’m also aware that a lot of us look to the start of a new year with hopefulness and with desires to make changes, perhaps with resolutions and desires to accomplish great more