  • Namanya Dan

    Contributing sermons since May 27, 2013
Namanya's church

Mountain View College
Valencia, *Province/Other 63

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  • Becoming A Champion

    Contributed on May 30, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    In everything you you, strive to do your best, but above all become a champion of Jesus.

    BECOMING A CHAMPION It is said of Abraham Lincoln, that before he became one of the greatest presidents America has ever had, that he tried but failed in many different positions, but with the spirit of determination, he was able to become the president of this country in 1860. Abraham had in more

  • Who Is The King Of Your Heart?

    Contributed on May 28, 2013

    Let Jesus be the King of your heart

    Mathew chapter two begins by telling us that Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, the king at that time, king Herod was just shocked to receive the visitors from the east, the wise men who were looking for a new born king, yet they were inquiring from the king of the land too. Verse three makes it more