Mike Flack
Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Newest Sermons
A Look At Lazarus
Contributed on Feb 24, 2003
A LOOK AT LAZARUS John 11:19-26,38-45, 12:9-11 Someone has said that Jesus busted up every funeral that He ever attended and that was true as He attended the funeral of Lazarus. I want us to look at Lazarus this morning and specifically what we might learn in being DYNAMIC, DIFFERENT, and ...read more
Who's Pulling The Strings?
Contributed on Mar 5, 2002
What it really means for Jesus Christ to control the life of a believer - the presentation of our bodies, the process of the renewing of our minds, and the performance of the Will Of God.
Who’s Pulling The Strings? (Have ready made a giant marionette frame (4’x6’ or larger) with rope through the control arms. As you begin, start to attach the ropes to your legs and arms making you a human marionette.) I remember that when I was seven, our WHOLE NEIGHBORHOOD would all ...read more
The Spiritual Disciplines Of Fasting And Prayer
Contributed on Feb 13, 2002
Looking at the Spiritual Disciplines of Fasting And Prayer for today’s believer
THE SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINES OF FASTING AND PRAYER Matt. 6: 5-8. 16-18 I want to share with you this morning on the SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINES OF FASTING AND PRAYER. The problem with that title is the difficult word, DISCIPLINE! Yes, fasting and prayer are what we call spiritual disciplines that ...read more
What Are The Rocks
Contributed on Oct 5, 2001
What Are God’s priorities for our lives - His Divine To Do List?
What Are The Rocks - Col. 1:10,11 (Proceed to visually act out the following story)` A Philosophy professor stood in front of his class of over achievers with a gallon size container on a table and filled it with fist sized rocks. He then asked the class if the container was full. They ...read more
Our Hope
Contributed on Aug 21, 2001
This is a Biblical Amswer to what a believer is to do while waiting for the Lord’s return.
(Come to the front with binoculars on) You may be wondering about the BINOCULARS? I’ve been watching and looking - after all that is what believers are supposed to do, right? Watching for the Lord’s return? I mean He could come at any moment and I want to be among the first to see Him. ...read more