Mick's church

Whig Street Church
Salamanca, New York 14779

About Mick
  • Education: BA in History, MA in History, Master of Library Science, Master of Business Administration (concentration in Finance)
  • Experience: I am a college librarian. I have been an occasional lay minister at the Whig Street Church since the late 1990s. I have occasionally served as an adult Sunday School Teacher at other churches.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: Most of the sermons that are posted here, including the Scripture readings, can probably be concluded in twenty minutes or less.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: 1) Watching the movie The Gospel of John on DVD is always moving to me. This is my favorite film of all time, and it's unlike most Gospel-related films in that it is essentially a word-for-word presentation of John's Gospel. The Lord's words are always fresh and they still cut like a knife after roughly 2,000 years! 2) I love the TV series The Way of the Master, which features street preaching by Ray Comfort and others from Living Waters. It's very encouraging.
  • Family: I am married. Both my parents are living, as are my siblings.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: They generally like them, but they are willing to tell me when they think I've missed the mark.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: She really appreciates it when my sermons are under ten minutes in length!
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: My mother told me long ago that most sermons would benefit from being twenty minutes or less. A friend told me that in her denomination most sermons are twelve minutes or less. Just as a test, find the longest sermon Jesus delivers in the any of the Gospels, and see how long it takes you to read it aloud at a regular pace. If your sermons are regularly considerably longer than the very longest one your Lord and Savior is recorded as having given, what can you learn from that?
  • Books that have had an impact: CHRISTIAN: 1) Evidence That Demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell; 2) The Battle for the Bible by Harold Lindsell; 3) One Thing You Can't Do in Heaven by Mark Cahill; 4) On Jesus by Douglas Groothuis; SECULAR: 1) The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham; 2) The Little Book of Behavioral Investing by James Montier.
  • Hobbies: 1) Since late 2010 I have been writing summaries of Bible chapters on Twitter. The URL is . 2) After I got my MBA my dad and I set up Faithful Servant LLC, and we publish four investment newsletters. See for details.
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: Given a last opportunity to preach to the saved or to witness to the unsaved, which would you do? Do you use every opportunity to reach the lost before they die? Go to and see how many people have died today and this year. What percentage of them had Jesus Christ as their Savior? Was it even 5%? Read One Thing You Can't Do in Heaven by Mark Cahill, and stop letting precious opportunities to witness to the lost slip away. In heaven you’ll be glad you did.
  • What I want on my tombstone: NOTE: I really admire the tombstone of General William Booth of the Salvation Army. Please use Google Images to see a picture of it, and decide if you should use it as a template for your own.--M.W.
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