  • Michael Reeves

    Contributing sermons since Apr 7, 2004
Michael's church

First Baptist Church Reserve
Reserve, Louisiana 70084

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Newest Sermons

  • A Super Bowl Church

    Contributed on Feb 1, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    A Challenge to the Church to become a Super Bowl church

    A Super Bowl Church Ephesians 6:10-18 Well it’s Super Bowl Sunday again and the Cardinals and Steelers are pumped up and ready to play in the worlds’ biggest game on the world’s biggest stage. The game will be witnessed by millions if not billions of people worldwide. Multitudes will tune in more

  • Putting On Your Shoes

    Contributed on Jul 25, 2004
    based on 38 ratings

    Shoes that need to be worn as a Christian.

    PUTTING ON YOUR SHOES Luke 15:22 and Ephesians 6:15 Our daily conversations are often filled with expressions concerning the use of our foot or feet. We have learned to convey a whole idea or concept in this manner. For example: 1. A TENDERFOOT is a beginner, inexperienced. 2. To more

  • "If It Ain't Broke It Needs Fixin"

    Contributed on Jun 12, 2004
    based on 27 ratings

    A message on the importance of Brokenness in a Crhistian’s life.

    If It Ain’t Broke It Needs Fixin Psalms 34:17-19, 51:17 I’m sure most of us here this morning have heard the expressions such as: “Why don’t you leave well enough alone” “Don’t kick a sleeping dog “. “If it aint broke don’t fix it”. If something is working leave it alone and let it more

  • White Washed Or Washed White?

    Contributed on Jun 12, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    A message will prompt a salvation evaluation and challenge believers to live for the Lord.

    White Washed or Washed White? Matthew 23:27-28 This morning we will pose the question, have you been washed white or white washed? I think all of us know what white wash is. White-wash- (noun) a liquid composition for whitening a surface, (verb) to gloss over or cover up (as vices or more

  • The Solution To Pollution

    Contributed on Apr 7, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    A Topical sermon on the pollution of your mind,spiritual environment, physical environment, and the church.

    The Solution to Pollution 2 Peter 2:18-22 As the earth has aged, one of man’s biggest problems is that of pollution. Our waterways, air and lands have become polluted in a mighty way. Scientists and Environmentalists are working frantically to come up with solutions. This morning I more