Michael Carbaugh
Contributing sermons since Jan 25, 2006
Newest Sermons
Standing Strong In The Face Of Change
Contributed on Jun 11, 2009
For almost 30 years after the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel is faced with much change. In order to cope with this change Daniel had to learn the biblical characteristic of steadfastness.
How Many Christians to Change a Light bulb? CHARISMATICS: Only 1 - Hands are already in the air. PENTECOSTALS: 10 - One to change the bulb, and nine to pray against the spirit of darkness. PRESBYTERIANS: None - Lights will go on and off at predestined times. ROMAN CATHOLICS: None, they only use ...read more
Standing Strong In The Face Of Worldliness
Contributed on May 5, 2009
It does not take long for Daniel’s faith to be tested in Babylon, that test deals with the area of worldliness, the test to just fit in.
Standing strong in the midst of Worldliness Dan 1:5-8 One the final night of Jesus’ life, Jesus prayed while he walked on the way to the Garden of Gethsemane the words found in John 17. His heart heavy with the events that he knew were coming, He paused to pray for us. Verse 20 makes it clear ...read more
Standing Strong In The Face Of Uncertainty
Contributed on May 3, 2009
In the face of uncertainty, Daniel remembers three truths that allow his faith to stand strong which leads to God receiving great praise.
One thing is certain…nothing ever stays the same. I was on facebook this past week and I was noticing the updates posted by a friend with whom I went to college. She now lives in Maine and she posted the comment…the sun is out. A few minutes later she posted another comment that said…the sun ...read more
Standing Strong In The Face Of Devastation
Contributed on Apr 19, 2009
The sermon opens a study of Daniel and shows how Daniel and his friends stood strong in their faith through the worst of times.
Standing strong in difficult times Daniel Have you heard the story of the HMS Resolute? The HMS resolute was a vessel in Royal British vessel rigged for Arctic exploration. In August of 1853 the HMS Resolute got caught in the Arctic ice. After staying the Winter in the Arctic, the Captain ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Standing Strong In Difficult Times
Contributed on Apr 19, 2009
Newest Sermon Illustrations
How Many Christians To Change A Light ...
Contributed on Jun 11, 2009
How Many Christians to Change a Light bulb? CHARISMATICS: Only 1 - Hands are already in the air. PENTECOSTALS: 10 - One to change the bulb, and nine to pray against the spirit of darkness. PRESBYTERIANS: None - Lights will go on and off at predestined times. ROMAN CATHOLICS: None, they ...read more
Worldliness Is A Hard Word To Define, Mainly ...
Contributed on May 5, 2009
Worldliness is a hard word to define, mainly because the world sees their way of thinking as a good thing. Consider what one online dictionary has to say about the matter. “Worldliness is the quality or character of being intellectually sophisticated through cultivation or experience or ...read more
Dr. David Wells (Gcts) Observes,
Contributed on May 5, 2009
Dr. David Wells (GCTS) observes, "Worldliness is what makes sin look normal in any ...read more
In Fact The Idea Of Speaking Out When Confronted ...
Contributed on May 5, 2009
In fact the idea of speaking out when confronted with something wrong was the chief proponent behind an education development in the Reagan administration. It’s roots go back to the 1970’s where a University of Houston Social Psychology professor begin working on a model to help students resist ...read more
The Evil One Is Willing To Sacrifice All His ...
Contributed on May 3, 2009
“The Evil one is willing to sacrifice all his false prophets in the city of Babylon if he can destroy four of God’s faithful servants.” - Wiersbe, Warren, Be Resolute ...read more