  • Matthew Hylton

    Contributing sermons since Mar 30, 2009
Matthew 's church

First Assembly of God Salisbury
Salisbury, Maryland 21801
(410) 742-4204

About Matthew
  • Education: Valley Forge Christian College B.A. in pastoral ministries
  • Hobbies: Drawing, Comics, caricatures, reading, movies, music, & playing the drums.
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: Since I am a Superman Junkie... I have superman on my car, key ring, cell phone, laptop, posters and lifesize cutout in my art studio. When I was preaching on a wed night my cell went off in the middle of my message with the Superman Ringtone. The church went nuts and I said, never fear I am here. The call was my mother in-law so I called her after service. BOTTOM LINE: leave it in your office desk drawer or on your desk during services
  • What I want on my tombstone: Serving God by Serving Others
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Newest Sermons

  • Igo

    Contributed on Sep 13, 2010

    The iMission is for all of us to carry out. We are all to Pray, Give, & Go.

    iMISSION (Part 3) “iGo” TEXT: Multiple INTRO: Good morning we are finishing our series called iMission. Why iMission? We know that the “I” in Mission is and individual mission, that Jesus has given all of us. We are to Pray, Give & Go. In our first week we looked more

  • Igive

    Contributed on Sep 13, 2010

    The iMission is for all of us to carry out. We are all to Pray, Give, & Go.

    iMISSION (Part 2) “iGive” TEXT: Multiple INTRO: Good morning we are in week 2 of our 3 week series called iMission. Why iMission? As I stated last week… “I” is not for the internet as some of you are thinking…. because the church is made up of who? more

  • Ipray

    Contributed on Sep 13, 2010

    The iMission is for all of us to carry out. We are all to Pray, Give, & Go.

    iMission - (Part 1) “iPray” TEXT: Multiple INTRO: This morning we start a new 3 week series called the iMission. Why iMission? “I” is not for the internet as some of you are thinking…. because the church is made up of who? People… the “I” is more

  • Breakable

    Contributed on Jun 14, 2010

    Jesus became breakable to heal our brokness.

    BREAKABLE “Easter April 4, 2010” TEXT: John 1:14 INTRO: There is a big, big difference between Christianity and religion. Religion is man’s way of trying to reach up to God. Christianity is not us trying to reach God but God coming down to humanity. Actually what other more

  • Authentic Passion 4 "World"

    Contributed on Jun 14, 2010

    Authentic Passion looks at 4 qualities that we as Christ Followers should have.

    AUTHENTIC PASSION 4 “World” TEXT: Multiple INTRO: Over the last 3 weeks we have been in our series “Authentic Passion.” Authentic Passion4: Worship, Word, Work, & World. This series is based on the 4 passions that every Christian should have in there lives. As a more

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