Mark Gil Petallar
Contributing sermons since May 23, 2015
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Sin Makes Life Complicated
Contributed on Oct 19, 2015
The author of 2 Samuel carefully details the punishment of God to David. In this chapter, the author reveals to us how sin makes the life of David complicated. The life of David now is totally different than before.
Sin Makes Life Complicated 2 Samuel 14 “Cigarette smoking is dangerous to one’s health,” so says the public signs. On the one hand, no matter how lethal it is, people still smoke. The government, on the other hand, still allows the selling of cigarettes. As a result of ...read more
Fear God
Contributed on Oct 12, 2015
The prophesy in 2 Sam. 12:11 is fulfilled here. The calamity from God to David's household was just, destructive and unstoppable for who can stop an angry God? No one. So the point is to fear God and to think twice before intentionally sinning against God
Fear God 2 Samuel 13 Introduction: 2 Samuel 12:11 says, “This is what the Lord says: out of your own household I am going to bring calamity on you” (NIV). Now this calamity is happening in chapter 13. In this chapter the emphasis of this calamity in David’s household ...read more
God's Judgment And Grace
Contributed on Oct 9, 2015
This message focus on the intended meaning of the revelation of God's judgment and grace to David after committing adultery and murder. It focus also on the intended response to all audience including all of us after God's revelation of judgment and grace
God's Judgment and Grace for David 2 Samuel 12 Introduction: The last sentence of chapter 11 tells us that God is displeased with what David had done. On the other hand chapter 12 reveals God's action towards the sin of David. If we can observe the text starts by telling us that God ...read more