  • Marcellus De Oliveira

    Contributing sermons since Jun 1, 2012
Marcellus's church

Seventh-Day Adventist
Marion, Ohio 43302
(740) 383-2797

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  • The Cinch

    Contributed on Sep 27, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    We always can trust in God no matter what happens in our lives. He is our Deliverer and Redeemer.

    Power and control are traces desired by man since the beginning of human history. Humans have always strived for power and how to control it. Actually the reason of all wars in human history, as bottom line, has been about power. During the time of Jesus first advent, the expectations of the more

  • In The Likeness Of Christ

    Contributed on Jun 1, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    In despite of our brokenness and the way we are brought up, God calls us to be transformed in the likeness of this Son's character.

    When people are asked to quote a line from Shakespeare, most certainly, they will quote the best-known line from all drama or literature: “To be or not to be, that is the question!” Though the tragedy of Hamlet, prince of Denmarke is a philosophical quest in the comparison between more