  • Lymano Wishart

    Contributing sermons since Feb 1, 2014
Lymano's church

New Testament
Kingston, *Province/Other JMAAW03

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  • Stay On Board

    Contributed on Mar 11, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    An encouragement to stay maintain your relationship with God despite the inevitable struggles (storms) that come your way. Your only guarantee or safe arrival is to abide in the ship knowing that God is faithful to keep His promises.

    Stay on Board Acts 27 True Story: In the early 1990s in the community of Britonville, St. Ann a truck was transporting some persons along a main road and was now heading up a hill. The truck developed some problems and couldn’t make the climb. It got more complicated and, as it was told, more

  • Unlimited Access

    Contributed on Feb 1, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Believer's need to come to an understanding of the power and privilege made available to us by virtue of our new position in Christ , that is, that we have full access to God and thereby to a wealth of resources and blessings.

    We live in a day that is tagged by increased availability of resources and information. Things which were at one time inaccessible are now readily available. Technological advancement puts things within reasonable reach. And so from the inception of the internet all it takes is the tap of button more