Larry Hale
Contributing sermons since May 24, 2012
Newest Sermons
Yet Another Sign?
Contributed on Aug 8, 2023
This message was written after reading of the drying up of the Euphrates River.
“Yet Another Sign?” – written after reading of the drying up the Euphrates River – Larry Hale – July 30, 2023 In 2022 I taught a series of sermons entitled "Signs of the End Times". In that study, the birth and life of the Messiah was the first prophecy we examined. We discovered ...read more
The Voice
Contributed on Apr 11, 2023
“For God speaks again and again, though people do not recognize it. Job 33:14 NLT. Followers of the Good Shepherd must know His voice, follow His voice and be obedient to His call. It is His voice that leads us home.
THE VOICE – Larry Hale March 19, 2023 About a month ago the Lord gave me a message to present to you, but every week, He STOPPED me and GAVE me a DIFFERENT message. Frankly, I’ve been scratching my head wondering WHY!!! Now, I know. It was because I was missing a VALUABLE COMPONENT that He ...read more
Shine Like Stars
Contributed on Sep 5, 2022
God wants his church to be a strong, unified family with the common goal of reaching lost souls and disciplining new BELIEVERS by being the light of CHRIST to everyone we encounter.
Shine Like Stars – August 28, 2022 – Larry Hale, Sr. Pastor Glenvale Church of God, Marysville PA Philippians 2:12-18 NIV This year’s theme for Camp Yolijwa was “Shine Like Stars”. The name for the theme came from Philippians chapter 2 verses 14 and 15. This morning I would like dig a little ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Signs Of The End Times
Contributed on Aug 8, 2023