  • Kyle Foley

    Contributing sermons since Jan 6, 2007
kyle's church

Frederick, Maryland 21704
504 301 8285

About kyle
  • Family: not married, not in a relationship. would like to be married however. if you know anyone who loves God, likes to volunteer and is on the left end of the political spectrum please have them send me an email.
  • Books that have had an impact: octavio paz, walt whitman, ted hughes, silvia plath, james joyce, marcel proust
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Newest Sermons

  • Bear All Adversity With Joy

    Contributed on Jan 6, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon inspires the reader to accept adversity more cheerfully.

    do not complain. your ever constant prayer must be: thy will, Lord, not mine be done, it is your wisdom that irradiates blissado, not my limited, human intellect. it is your love unfathomable, Lord, that decrees the shape and the shine, not my frailties and shortcomings. whatever obstacles more