Kostas Emmanouilidis
Contributing sermons since Jan 6, 2009
Newest Sermons
…because It Was Done So Quickly!
Contributed on Jan 8, 2009
Gypsy Smith, a British evangelist during the late 19th and early 20th century said the way to have revival is to draw a circle around yourself, get down on your knees and pray, “Lord send a revival and let it begin inside of this circle.” The reason I ch
…Because It Was Done So Quickly! 2 Chronicles 29 The reason I chose this present passage to begin the New Year is given to us in verse 17. Everything that was carried out in this chapter occurs in the first month of the Jewish religious calendar, which corresponds with our March/April. ...read more
Newest Sermon Illustrations
Consecration - Similar To How Surgical Tools ...
Contributed on Jan 8, 2009
Consecration - Similar to how surgical tools that before and after every operation are put into a sterilizing chamber of high heat, which kills all the dangerous microbes and pathogens, ...read more
The Animal Called An Ermine That Inhabits Upper ...
Contributed on Jan 8, 2009
The animal called an ermine that inhabits upper northern Europe. Its hair is snow white. When hunters find its nesting ground, its home, they smother it with tar, which is pitch black, then when the hunting dogs chase the ermine, it will run to its home but not enter it so that it will not ...read more