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  • God Is Still On His Throne: Isaiah 6

    Contributed by Kevin Walker on Jan 23, 2009
    based on 20 ratings

    No matter what situation we face in this life, we always have the assurance that God is still on His throne - He is still in control of things.

    Read Isaiah 6:1-5. “God is Still on His Throne” 1. I’ve been taken by the picture that this text paints as I’ve been reading it the past few weeks. 2. Read through, describe the picture. 3. It shows the power and majesty of the Almighty God. 4. In the times in which we are living, it’s easy to be more

  • The Force That Shakes The World

    Contributed by Kevin Walker on Jan 23, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    Corporate prayer is the force that shakes the world.

    The Force that Shakes the World Acts 2 1. E.M. Bounds, a Methodist minister and Author in the late 1800’s called prayer “the force that shapes the world.” 2. Re-word his quote: “The church in prayer is a force that shakes the world.” 3. Read text, and tell of Acts 2. a. We think Pentecost; it’s more

  • Rend Your Heart

    Contributed by Kevin Walker on Jan 21, 2007
    based on 31 ratings

    In this sermon, I talk about repentance from indifference: first, the devastation that indifference has caused to the people of Judah in the book of Joel; secondly, what repentance should consist of in our lives today.

    Say “It’s about my heart!” I. The background from which Joel speaks. 1. Here, in chapter 2, Joel begins by talking about a disaster that is coming to the people of Judah. 2. An “army” of locusts has come into Judah, devastating the land. 3. Today, we may not fully understand the devastation more