Kerry Nichols
Contributing sermons since Jan 30, 2015
Newest Sermons
How Is Riding A Bicycle Like Being A Christian?
Contributed on Jan 4, 2017
Showing narrow is the path to the Lord but sin creates a wide path to destruction
HOW IS RIDING A BICYCLE LIKE BEING A CHRISTIAN? Wth a show of hands how many of you have ever ridden a bicycle? Many people say if you have ever been on a bicycle and have mastered breaking either on the pedals, or the grips on the handlebars, or the old Barnie Ruble way just sticking your ...read more
Are Your Bags Packed?
Contributed on Mar 2, 2015
John was caught up in the spirit to the third heaven seeing futurtric events that would soon take place.
ARE YOUR BAGS PACKED? As we look at Revelation Chapter 4 we see John still on the Isle Of Patmos. The letters to the Seven Churches has been completed. John is on a holding pattern waiting for the ...read more
Lord What Have I Given You
Contributed on Feb 14, 2015
Putting our complete Trust and Faith In Jesus Christ. Giving Jesus everything in our life
LORD WHAT HAVE I GIVEN YOU? A man was driving home from church one Sunday feeling so good about himself thinking about all the great things he had done and how dedicated he was to the Lord that week. The ...read more
"It's All About Me" Church
Contributed on Feb 6, 2015
The Church that that was neither cold or hot just lukewarm. Jesus does not want his church to be lukewarm either be Cold or Hot. Get off the bench get into the game serve Christ to your fullest.
“IT’S ALL ABOUT ME” CHURCH In review from the past weeks we see the criticism from Jesus to the Seven Church. The first church at Ephesus had Left Their First Love they like all the ...read more
The Church That Jesus Loved
Contributed on Jan 31, 2015
The Letter to the Church at Philadelphia
The Church That Jesus Loved As we continue the series of The Seven Churches in Revelation, today we will be looking at the great church at Philadelphia. The church was named after a nickname of it ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
The Seven Churches In Revealtion
Contributed on Jan 31, 2015