  • Kelsey Coleman

    Contributing sermons since Aug 4, 2004
Kelsey's church

Cross View Baptist Church
Texarkana, Texas 75501

About Kelsey
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I do not claim to be original in any sermon I post here. I hope these sermons will help you in your ministry.
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Newest Sermons

  • Born Again

    Contributed on Sep 10, 2004
    based on 39 ratings

    “Born again.” How often have you seen this phrase in a news story or a magazine feature? It seems like everything and everyone is born again.

    Born Again John 3:1-22 Introduction: “Born again.” How often have you seen this phrase in a news story or a magazine feature? It seems like everything and everyone is born again. A restaurant changes its menu, and its labeled “born again.” A man changes jobs, and his career is “born more

  • Psalm 1

    Contributed on Aug 6, 2004
    based on 301 ratings

    An expository sermon on Psalm chapter 1.

    I do not claim to be original in this sermon. I got alot of information from other sources including sermons from Sermon Central. Psalm Chapter 1 Introduction: Read Psalm 1:1-6 The Psalm begins with the phrase, “Blessed is the man” or “Happy is the man.” We all want happiness. more

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • Three Preachers Sat Discussing The Best Positions ...

    Contributed on Aug 23, 2004
    based on 6 ratings

    Three preachers sat discussing the best positions for prayer, while a telephone repairman worked nearby. "Kneeling is definitely best," claimed one. "No," another contended. "I get the best results standing with my hands outstretched to Heaven." "You’re both wrong," the third insisted. "The most more