Kelly Mitchell
Contributing sermons since Jan 7, 2012
Newest Sermons
What Is The Destiny Of Your Church?
Contributed on Oct 7, 2012
Through Ezekiel the Prophet, God provides a certain destiny and purpose of the modern Christian church and most of us will probably be surprised to hear it.
In Alice in Wonderland, when Alice comes to a junction in the road that leads in different directions, she asks the Cheshire Cat, "Cheshire-Puss...would you tell me please, which way I ought to go from here?" "That depends a good deal on where you want to go to," said the Cat. "I don't ...read more
Newest Sermon Illustrations
In 1 John 4:18, We Are Assured That Love Defeats ...
Contributed on Jan 10, 2013
In 1 John 4:18, we are assured that Love defeats fear. That’s good news. But be careful not to read that God’s Love, and God’s Love alone drives out fear. It can. It does. However, some things are very difficult to fight alone. Go back and read verse 12 of Chapter 4 as well. There we are ...read more
Pick One
Contributed on Oct 7, 2012
Pick One The purpose and intent of the church, according to Ezekiel 36:23 is to be used to prove the Lord Holy to the nations. I can only think of two ways which God can use the church to prove the He is Holy to the Community: 1 - When He provides great happiness, peace, and success because ...read more
The Tree Of Hippocrates
Contributed on Oct 3, 2012
The Tree of Hippocrates On the island of Kos, the home of Hippocrates, the great physician from whom we get the “Hippocratic Oath”, there grows a tree that history says Hippocrates himself once gathered his students for class. Although the current tree is only about 500 years old, it is ...read more
Talk About Rising To The Top Of Your Field, ...
Contributed on Sep 25, 2012
Talk about rising to the top of your field, Martha Graham (May 11, 1894 – April 1, 1991) was an American modern dancer and choreographer. Her influence on modern dance has been compared to Picasso’s on modern visual arts, Stravinsky’s on music, or Frank Lloyd Wright’s on architecture. We should ...read more
Feel Free To Interject Your Own Experience Into ...
Contributed on Aug 22, 2012
(feel free to interject your own experience into this pattern) One Christmas on a road trip with the my wife and kids to my parent’s home I decided to take them on a "scenic loop" through the Mississippi Delta. Its where I was born and raised and my parents still live there. To me, it is the ...read more