  • Jyotirmaya Deep

    Contributing sermons since Nov 29, 2022
Jyotirmaya 's church

Hindustani Covenant Church

About Jyotirmaya
  • Education: Bachelor of Theology, Union Biblical Seminary, India, Bachelor of Arts, Sambalpur University
  • Experience: 24 years of experience in Church Ministry.
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Newest Sermons

  • On Earth Peace

    Contributed on Dec 17, 2022

    None of the human efforts can gain peace. It is the Prince of Peace that gives the perfect peace. Surprisingly, the peace is for us. Prince of Peace can only give the Peace you need. Peace of Jesus is a balm for all your aches.

    1. INTRODUCTION: As Christmas is coming a sense of relief is being made in our hearts. It is bringing a sense of Peace in our hearts because soon we will be celebrating Christmas the coming of the Prince of Peace from Heaven to Earth. In the read text (Luke2:8-15), we see that a multitude of more

  • My Peace I Give To You

    Contributed on Nov 29, 2022

    We live in a world of crises where disasters, conflicts and wars are frequent. We face struggles at workplaces, businesses. We struggle because of sicknesses and broken relationships. At such a moment of our lives, Jesus says, "My peace I give to you."

    “MY PEACE I GIVE TO YOU” Isaiah 9:6, John 14:27 1. INTRODUCTION: We remember a time when everything had capsized for us. Schools, colleges, offices, businesses, transportation had stopped working completely. Roads were empty. Everything had silenced. People were worried, troubled and more

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