  • Jw Worcester

    Contributing sermons since Dec 12, 2019
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  • Two Dreamers

    Contributed on Feb 15, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    There are two exceptional people in the Bible known for their dreams. One is the best known dreamer and one the least known dreamer.

    There are two exceptional people in the Bible known for their dreams. One is the best known dreamer and one the least known dreamer. One had great rewards and the other has no mention in the Bible beyond the fulfilling of his dreams. One saw the full fruition of his dreams and the other didn’t more

  • Job And Elihu

    Contributed on Dec 31, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    We have many in the church who don't move forward after a loss and fail to take the path of even greater relevance that God has set out for us.

    I looked at Bible characters for examples of faithful husbands and fathers. While there are many commendable men in scripture it was hard to find ones that excelled at being a husband and a father. One that comes to mind is Job who had a large family that thrived on each other’s company. He was more

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  • Praying For Unity

    Contributed on Feb 8, 2021

    As I think of the unity of God’s Gospel to us, I’m reminded of the unity I’ve experienced over the years with other saints on short term mission trips, volunteer positions at a crisis pregnancy center and a “Rescue Mission”, Promise Keepers (Men’s nationwide Ministry), and the Urban-Suburban more

  • Not Afraid To Offend God

    Contributed on Feb 8, 2021

    The true “Lord’s Prayer” is John 17, also sometimes called the High Priestly Prayer. In verses 1 – 20 Jesus had already prayed for Himself and His mission. He also prayed for His disciples. Jesus prayed this prayer before Jesus and the disciples left for the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus was more