  • Josh Cougle

    Contributing sermons since Apr 22, 2009
Josh's church

, Louisiana

About Josh
  • Education: Masters
  • Experience: 10+ as pastor 5+ as music / youth
  • One of my favorite illustrations: Charles Blondin
  • Family: Wife of 25 years and 5 daughters
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: The most interesting and easy way to preach is as follows: point, story, point, story, point, story I preach a little differently now, but it’s still good advice.
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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • Something He Didn't Do

    Contributed on Apr 6, 2010

    SOMETHING HE DIDN'T DO My fourth daughter Kezzi is struggling through some things lately; one of them is lying. She's an obvious liar too. A month or so ago, someone left the milk out. Not a huge thing in itself, but Kezzi isn't supposed to pour the milk. Now that complicates it. I call all of more

  • John Wesley Grew Up In A Poor Pastors House... So ...

    Contributed on Apr 22, 2009

    John Wesley grew up in a poor pastors house... so he didn’t expect any different... but because of his writings... he became one of the richest men in England. He knew that as people were coming to Jesus that they would stop wasting their money at bars… gambling… with drugs… with prostitutes... and more