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  • Law Vs Circumstance

    Contributed on Apr 19, 2023

    Jesus invites us to overcome this world so we can sit on His throne. How do we overcome this? By living according to the law. How do we live by the law when there are circumstances tat challenge the law?

    As I read the readings for today, I got to realise the assumptions that we make as people. I once asked my nine-year-old grandson why he comes to church and he said “I come to church to see you Gogo”. It was an honest answer from a child. Before becoming a priest, I used to come to church to more

  • Resurrection

    Contributed on Apr 19, 2023

    Jesus performed all miracles through faith. There would be no miracles if Jesus did not believe. He believed and told us that if we believe, we will do greater things than He did

    Jesus has resurrected from the dead and I want to talk about His life before He rose from the dead and a little bit after. There is a teaching of Jesus I feel we have missed because He spoke a little about but His whole life was about it. That is to have faith. Jesus lived a life of faith that more

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