  • Joseph Collins

    Contributing sermons since Mar 3, 2012
Joseph's church

Freedom Home Baptist Church
Austin, Texas 78723

About Joseph
  • Experience: I specialize in the development of faith/health partnerships. In partnership with the State, I facilitate the Ministers' Roundtable of Texas, a statewide coalition of clergy committed to providing training on HIV ministry & stigma elimination. I also serve as project mgr in Austin for the Nat'l Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS observance, one of the largest in the nation. In Mar 2013, our program touched an estimated 15,000 hearts and minds with sermons and HIV testing at local churches.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: As a minister and social worker, there are many times that I encounter broken people who have made a lot of mistakes in life. My understanding of the scripture leads me to believe that we can look at people through a lens of GRACE, or a lens of LEGALISM. When we remind ourselves, "but by the grace of God there go I" we please God. When we say, "Lord, I'm glad I'm not like . . ." we discard the very blood that was necessary to save us. Nothing short of someone's else's salvation is at stake!
  • Books that have had an impact: In 2012, I published "HIV Ministry Transitions: Steps To Develop An HIV-Compassionate Church". This scripturally-based discussion guide is designed to lead pastors and congregation members through an inspired workshop on HIV ministry. It includes HIV Basics, why certain people are more "at risk" for contracting the disease and myths to be discarded. It also delves into religious-based stigma, applicable scriptures and how to start and effective HIV ministry. Available at
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Newest Sermons

  • Who Left Hiv/Aids Lying In The Streets?

    Contributed on Mar 3, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    The story of The Good Samaritan is a perfect illustration of HIV/AIDS in our society today. God has given the Church the power to heal and He has equipped us to walk in the power of our calling and anointing.

    Sermon Title: Who Left HIV/AIDS Lying in the Streets? Scripture Framework: Read Luke 10:30-37 [The Good Samaritan] Opening: Every year in March, thousands of communities celebrate the National Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS. It is a time in which churches and other faith-based more