  • Jose A. Rivera

    Contributing sermons since Jan 13, 2007
Jose A.'s church

The New Young Hope
Silver Spring, Maryland 20910

About Jose A.
  • Education: Some college but stop going to school, got married, got a job and the rest of my education has been on my own. Learning what GOD wants me to learn in this world and the spirital one as well.
  • Experience: My experince first in life has been filled with shortcommings. Born and raised in the City of New York you have to learn fast. Any way my experience as a minister has been growing. My father a pastor with his own church has been very big influence in my choice to follow the christian faith and to allow GOD to grow within my the seed of salvation and understanding.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I want you to believe enough in yourself to read my sermons and know whether or not they pertain to you and if they do let them teach you something. Then go and join a youth ministry group. For adults, we are the only thing standing between salvation of our young and total lost of our spiritual young.
  • One of my favorite illustrations: One of my favorite illustrations is one I heard by a young gentlemen named Lance Smith. He said if you take an egg and but it in boiling water it gets hard, if you take a potato and put it in boiling water it gets soft. But if you take a coffee bean and put it in boiling water it changes the water. We have to be like the coffee bean changing the world around us.
  • Family: Happily Married most of the time. With two wonderful children that I thank GOD he has given me the chance to love them and raise them as my own. His gift to me hs changed my life.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: My parents are surprise how I recieve the Hol Spirit and I’m able to bring a message to the youth in a manner that they can understand. Basically putting it in a way that makes sense. My father a pastor himself says GOD uses me in ways he has never seen before or has he himself ever experienced.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: My wife, supports me in what ever I do. She understands my sermons but since her faith has been in the Catholic church all her life she doesn’t understand many things when I speak or read the bible. I always tell her to ask for understanding when she reads.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Listen to what comes to your mind. GOD speaks to everyone in different ways but for me the message is always clear and consise.
  • Hobbies: Fish Keeping, Gardening, wood carving, poetry writing, computers.
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: Something must be done to bring our youth to GOD. Today’s youth believe more in the internet then in Jesus.
  • What I want on my tombstone: A Strong believer in Jesus and never gave up his Spirituality.