Johnny's church

Alethia Church
Colorado Springs, Colorado

About Johnny
  • Education: Colorado State University
  • Experience: My ministry experience is extensive and varied, and has all incorporated my love for spoken word poetry, extensive conflict resolution skills, and public speaking. I taught at an alternative school for at risk students in Fort Collins, CO, which included life on life ministry with troubled teens, gang intervention, and coordinating Bible studies. In that role, I taught slam/spoken word poetry as a means for self discovery and healing. I am a former pastor, and helped lead a local church for 10 years with a team of elder/pastors in Colorado Springs, CO. Finally, I have established various Web sites purposed with bringing gospel truth to both Christian and non-Christian audiences through the mediums of poetry and prose. These sites include,,, and
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  • Righteous Indignation

    Contributed on Oct 17, 2020

    We need to be made ready, by the power of the holy spirit, to suffer persecution with grace and humility. Jesus is, and will always be, the greatest example in history of denying his own rights and giving up his own power.

    See text below, or you can go here to view the formatted google doc: You can see the actual execution of this sermon here: ***OUTLINE*** Summary / more

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