John Kycek
Contributing sermons since Sep 19, 2003
Newest Sermons
Attributes Of A Believer
Contributed on Aug 10, 2007
3 attributes of a well-rounded believer: being a person of character, courage, and conviction.
God is looking for people with: • Courage • Conviction • Character You may be sitting in your seat thinking: I don’t have courage... Today, I want to encourage you – God wants to use you! I Samuel 16 (Paraphrase vs. 1-11) 12 ...then the LORD said, "Rise and anoint him; he is the ...read more
What Does God Hate #2 - Lying
Contributed on Sep 19, 2003
Let’s look at Proverbs 6:16-19 for a list of 7 things that God hates; the second being "Lying."
• I hate it when: o People talk on their cell phones in a check out line o The cardboard subscription cards that are in magazines o Calling an “800” number, pressing a long series of #’s, and being disconnected. • What do you hate? Ask crowd • God hates sin. • It is unbelievable to ...read more
What Does God Hate #1 - Pride
Contributed on Sep 19, 2003
Let’s look at Proverbs 6:16-19 for a list of 7 things that God hates; the first one being "Pride."
• I hate it when: o When everyone asks me if I play basketball just because I’m tall. o People slow down to 40 miles an hour on the interstate just to gaze at someone with a flat tire o People who take more than 10 items in the express lane. • What do you hate? Ask crowd • God hates ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
It’s Time To Take Out The Trash
Contributed on Sep 19, 2003