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  • Jesus The Bread Of Life

    Contributed by John Foster on Jun 10, 2007
    based on 11 ratings

    Explores bread throughout the bible, compares bread as we know it today with scripture. Looks at some hard bits fom the bible and suggests that, like the hard bits in bread, they make God’s word "low Glycemic" (Low glycemic foods sustain us for longe

    Jesus said "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.” There’s a lovely passage found in Genesis 26 that describes the movement of a nomadic, god loving people including Isaac. And this passage holds up what I call the true more

  • You Think Your Life Is Sorted? Well Think Again! Series

    Contributed by John Foster on Mar 5, 2007
    based on 17 ratings

    Some people have heard of the teachings of Jesus Christ. They have read the bible. They have eaten the bread and drank the wine in church. The trouble is that although they know OF Jesus they do not yet know him personally.

    You think your life is sorted? Well think Again! This is the stark message from our bible reading in Luke’s Gospel. This is the first episode in our 10:30am series of sermons leading up to Easter and just beyond. Over the next few weeks we are walking with Jesus through the latter part of more

  • 101 Things To See Before You Die . . No:1 . . . . Series

    Contributed by John Foster on Mar 5, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    The title of this talk is 101 things to see before you die – well numbers 2 to 101 are up to you and you may or may not get the opportunity to see them in your lifetime. But the number one thing to see, is Jesus.

    Over the past few years the BBC have run a number of series called the 101 things before you die. 101 places to visit before you die, 101 things to do before you die and 101 things to eat before you die. What they do is get people to write in and suggest their favourite and then they put more

  • Servants Are The Greatest

    Contributed by John Foster on Sep 22, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    An interactive childrens address demonstrating that the people whom we consider the greatest are very often servants. It asks who’s serving who. Jesus is Servant to all and we are all serving God.

    Preparation:- Make up the following 14 signs:- Size is appropriate for the size of church – I used A4 (Foolscap) Servant served Doctor Patient Local People Congressman Parents Children The People Jesus Our Community [Our Church] ME GOD You will need 2 notice boards and some velcro sticky more

  • What's Important At Christmas

    Contributed by John Foster on Jul 19, 2003
    based on 6 ratings

    A light look at business and the busyness of Christmas. Looking at the important things we do in the run up to Christmas put pointing out THE most important part is so obvious - Jesus Christ.

    The most important thing about Christmas A few years ago I met a very clever and learned business consultant. He’d been an officer in the RAF and had moved on from there to work in the banking industry. He had eventually ended up as the Vice President of the Bank of America before more

  • The Calling Of Saul

    Contributed by John Foster on Sep 8, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    Explores 3 aspects of Saul’s conversion. Flash of light, God choses the most unlikely people to do His work (he choses YOU), With Jesus adversity becomes opportunity and even Victory.

    I have a question for you. Has anyone here ever had something go wrong but that going wrong was the very thing that made things work out in the end? What do I mean? Have you ever missed the bus and you go back home to find that you’d forgotten to lock the house or something? If you hadn’t more

  • Invisible God And The Radio Controlled Car

    Contributed by John Foster on Jan 8, 2002
    based on 146 ratings

    Mini childrens address is to demonstrate that just because we can’t see God doesn’t mean that He doesn’t exist. In fact by looking at what he has created we see the evidence of God’s presence.

    The object of this mini childrens address is to demonstrate that just because we can’t see God doesn’t mean that He doesn’t exist. In fact by looking at what he has created we see the evidence of God’s presence. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Props:- I use a remote controlled toy more

  • What's Jesus's Favourite - The Box Of Chocolates

    Contributed by John Foster on Dec 24, 2001
    based on 304 ratings

    This sermon is a mini childrens address using a box of chocolates as a prop. The people are asked which chocolate would be Jesus’s favourite. After lots of interaction, the sermon concludes that Jesus loves all people the same, we are all His favourite

    This is an outline of an interactive childrens address. The message is that Jesus loves us all equally. -------------- TIPS ------------------- You need to take along a box of chocolates I take along a box of chocolates and hand them out after the service or give them to the Sunday School more

  • The Gospel In A Game Of Hockey

    Contributed by John Foster on Apr 15, 2001
    based on 51 ratings

    Takes three aspects of the game of ice-hockey and finds bible messages in them. This sermon was given to a mainly unbelieving group of ice-hockey supporters of The Sheffield Steelers Ice Hockey Club, United Kingdom.

    This sermon was given to a mainly non-Christian group of ice hockey fans in 25th January 2001. It was very different to the sermons given in Church to seekers or believers. I found this sermon difficult to write and indeed the delivery went slightly away from this script as the Spirit lead more

  • Are You Ready?

    Contributed by John Foster on Apr 14, 2001
    based on 96 ratings

    So many people in Church (and life) have talents and skills that they are wasting. This sermon encourages people to used their God given gifts for His glory and suggests that their life will be more fruitful if they do so.

    As I start my sermon this morning I want to ask if anyone here today likes to receive presents. Does anyone have with them today a present that they received from someone? [ask around room and get people to tell about the special present and who gave them] There’s something special about more

  • The Lamp Of The Body

    Contributed by John Foster on Apr 11, 2001
    based on 94 ratings

    This sermon explores a bible passage from Lukes Gospel and shows that people everywhere are looking for a light to follow. It challenges the audience on their Christian stand on various issues and gives the reassurance that God’s love and blessing falls on each true believer.

    Our subject for today’s sermon is “The Lamp of the Body” I have a question for you. Is anyone here frightened of the dark? [acknowledge the responders] Or does anyone have children or grandchildren who are frightened of the dark? My 10 year old daughter insists on going to sleep with the more