John Boquist
Contributing sermons since Jul 18, 2008
Newest Sermons
The Glorious Tasks Of Ministry
Contributed on Aug 9, 2008
In our ministry, there are various tasks, all of which can serve to glorify Christ.
Text: Colossians 1:24-2:5 Title: The Glorious Tasks of Ministry Introduction Paul told the Colossians about his many tasks in ministry, all of which served to glorify Christ. In our ministry, there are various tasks, all of which can serve to glorify Christ. We are all called to ...read more
Jesus Our Motivator
Contributed on Aug 3, 2008
We can be motivated to continue in the faith by realizing that Jesus is supreme in everything.
Isn’t music wonderful? This morning we’ve been blessed with all kinds of music, as we usually are. Music seems to speak to a part of the soul as nothing else does. I think we’ve all had times when we left church remembering what was sung more than what was said. In 1530 the great reformer ...read more
The Power Of The Gospel
Contributed on Jul 25, 2008
Our lives, individually and corporately, can display the power of the gospel.
Text: Colossians 1:1-14 Title: The Power of the Gospel Most of the time, when we’re speaking or writing, we tend to put the most important information at the front end then move on from there. At the beginning of this letter, Paul and his partner Timothy give a warm greeting in the first ...read more
Becoming A Kingdom Church
Contributed on Jul 19, 2008
The church today is tasked with advancing the Kingdom of heaven, here’s how.
Being a Kingdom Church Matthew 16:13-20 Almost sixty years ago, our nation was shocked by the sudden death of our president, Franklin D. Roosevelt. We all remember the somber pageantry and mood in our nation Ronald Reagan died. But this was far more momentous because our nation was in the ...read more
Christ Is Supreme And Sufficient!
Contributed on Jul 18, 2008
We need to be aware of false teaching which mixes other elements with the finished work of Christ.
Introduction This sermon is an introduction for the next several Sundays as we go through the book of Colossians. The theme of the book is the sufficiency of Christ for all things. This is one of four Prison Epistles written by Paul from Rome about AD 60-62. (The others are Ephesians, ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Contributed on Jul 18, 2008
Newest Sermon Illustrations
The Suffering Of Christ's Messengers Ministers ...
Contributed on Aug 9, 2008
“The suffering of Christ’s messengers ministers to those they are trying to reach and may open them to the gospel.” John Piper, Let the Nations Be Glad p. 91 In this book, Piper tells the story of an indigenous missionary in India who walked barefoot from village to village sharing the gospel. ...read more
Lack Of Warning
Contributed on Aug 9, 2008
LACK OF WARNING Imagine if the highway department only wanted to put up highway signs that made people feel good about driving. Instead of speed limit signs with a number, they would say something like, "Whatever seems right to you." Gone would be any signs indicating potential danger such as ...read more
Treasure Of Him
Contributed on Aug 9, 2008
TREASURE OF HIM The word "treasure" in the Greek sounds like our word "thesaurus." The idea behind a thesaurus is to explore every possible way of stating an idea. In the same way, everything that really needs to be known or said is rooted in Christ. This treasure ...read more
In 1530 The Great Reformer Martin Luther Wrote: ...
Contributed on Aug 3, 2008
In 1530 the great reformer Martin Luther wrote: “I am not ashamed to confess publicly that next to theology there is no art which is the equal of music, for she alone, after theology, can do what otherwise only theology can accomplish, namely, quiet and cheer up the soul of man, which is clear ...read more
The English Word "Image" In The Greek Is Like Our ...
Contributed on Aug 3, 2008
The English word "image" in the Greek is like our word icon. Now you know from your computer that an icon is a little picture that represents a larger program. In the same way, Jesus is a man who represents the fullness of God. He not only represents God, He is God. Another way the word was ...read more