  • Joel Mcreynolds

    Contributing sermons since Mar 24, 2016
Joel's church

First Baptist Church
Mill Creek, Oklahoma 74856

About Joel
  • What I want on my tombstone: "For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." Philippians 1:21
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  • Courage In The Face Of Death

    Contributed on Mar 24, 2016

    After spending time in fasting and prayer, Esther acted courageously. Because God is in control, we can live courageously.

    Introduction: Tonight I would like for us to look at the book of Esther. This is a strange book in the Bible due to the fact that God is not really mentioned. This has led some to cast it out, or think that it should not be part of the Bible. Esther in Church History 1. Not one commentary was more

  • The Exclusive Gospel Of Jesus

    Contributed on Mar 24, 2016

    This sermon examines Jesus teaching in John 14:6.

    INTRODUCTION Pope Francis’ visit to the United States ended last Sunday. During the duration of his visit (and a little afterward), the media seemed to be flooded with Francis and his actions. In one of my classes, it seemed like we discussed Francis every time we met. Often when you read more

  • The Theology Of The Birth Of Jesus

    Contributed on Mar 24, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Paul never tells us of the story of Christmas. He leaves that to the writers of the gospels. But in this tremendous passage, he tells us of the glory of Christmas. He tells us why the night on which Jesus was born was such a Holy Night and how to respond to it.

    All of us probably know the beautiful Christmas hymn "O Holy Night." In the first stanza the writer invites us to close our eyes and imagine the world before the birth of Jesus. He says it is a world that lay "in sin and error pining." The word pining refers to the wasting away of the human spirit more

  • The Power Of Christ Crucified

    Contributed on Mar 24, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Paul did not rely on his own power but on the power of the gospel through the Holy Spirit. We can boldly proclaim the gospel when we rely on God’s power instead of our own.

    INTRODUCTION ILLUSTRATION: The summer after I graduated from high school, God called me to go on a mission trip to Taiwan. I was really excited about going and sharing the gospel with the people there; however, I am deathly afraid of heights, so the thought of flying, or more accurately being more