  • Joel Jacob

    Contributing sermons since May 14, 2019
About Joel
  • Education: BA (Philosophy) MDiv
  • Experience: Writer
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  • True Worship: The How? The Who? The Why?

    Contributed on Mar 3, 2021

    True worship is defined by the priority we place on who God is in our lives and where God is on our list of priorities. True worship is a matter of the heart expressed through a lifestyle of holiness.

    1. Worship: How do we approach it? Ephesians 4:17-31 Years ago when the billionaire Howard Hughes died, his company’s public relations director asked the casinos in Las Vegas, where Hughes owned multiple casinos, to show him respect by giving him a minute of silence. For an uncomfortable sixty more

  • Seek His Presence, Not His Presents

    Contributed on May 14, 2019

    Why do we seek God? Is it the presence of the Almighty or the little presents he gives us? Are our priorities straight?

    Once upon a time, in a land far far away, there was a boy named Francis. His birthday was approaching, and his father called him aside and asked him, You’re birthday is approaching and what if I threw a birthday party and just cut one cake and everyone went home? How many of your friends do you more

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