Jeff Leigh
Contributing sermons since Jul 16, 2005
Newest Sermons
What Is Your Name?/ What's In A Name?
Contributed on Jul 25, 2005
See yourself as God sees you - what name are you calling yourself.
Little Penny told her mother one evening that she had learned a new prayer in Sunday school. She wanted to say it instead of her usual “ Now I lay me down to sleep”. Her mother agreed but was surprised, when Penny began “Our Father who art in heaven, hello, what be thy name?”. God might ...read more
The Promises Of Ephesians - Draw From The "Bank Of God"
Contributed on Jul 23, 2005
A look at the encouragement and promises of Ephesians and how to draw from the "Bank of God"
The Promises of Ephesians – Draw from the Bank of God Over the last few weeks as my wife Angie and I have spoken to various people within and outside of the church – a current theme seems to be running through all our conversations. People are going through some hard times – there are some ...read more
Newest Sermon Illustrations
One Day Out Of The Blue An Old Friend Of Mine ( I ...
Contributed on Jul 23, 2005
One day out of the blue an old friend of mine ( I will call him Keith) phoned me to say he was in town and wanted to catch up. We hadn’t seen each other for over 15 years - I wasn’t a Christian when we were friends. Him and I were hell raisers, we were into anything and everything not good. Anyway ...read more