  • James Hays

    Contributing sermons since May 11, 2019
James's church

Diamond Christian Church

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  • My Weakness Transformed

    Contributed on May 5, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Can Jesus use my brokenness for any good?

    • Suffering halts us too often. We hurt so we stop – not just physically, but emotionally and worse yet, spiritually. • We struggle to see how we can continue to contribute to the work of God any longer. How does the work of God relate to the suffering soul? • Paul shares his testimony of more

  • When Plans Go Awry

    Contributed on Apr 28, 2020

    we all have plans for life and a sense of direction lain out in our minds. Sometimes life laughs. We suffer loss.

    This time has disrupted most –if not all – of our plans. The seniors had plans of finishing their senior year and graduating with celebrations, now what? Many had plans of getting married with parties and celebrations, now what? Many had plans of having jobs, income, and insurance, but now what? more

  • Was Paul A Good Preacher?

    Contributed on Apr 21, 2020

    Men tend to judge speakers according to a standard that Paul did not even desire to meet. Maybe our judgement needs a little realignment with scripture.

    Was Paul A Good Preacher? Hmmm. I’ve often wondered how many churches would pass on hiring Paul for their pulpit minister. • Everyone is a TV evangelist right now. • Pick and choose what style you like, what subject matter you are interested in. • Almost like a competition on Facebook between more

  • Mind Control

    Contributed on Apr 18, 2020

    Last week we presented thoughts on making the most of our opportunities, redeeming the time because it is our purpose to be imitators of God in these uncertain times. Perhaps the greatest obstacle in redeeming our time for God is found in the realm of mind control. Who controls your mind?

    Last week we presented thoughts on making the most of our opportunities, redeeming the time because it is our purpose to be imitators of God through these uncertain times. Perhaps the greatest obstacle in redeeming our time for God is found in the realm of mind control. Who controls your mind? more

  • What Now?

    Contributed on Apr 16, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    In times of uncertainty, fear and anxiety can dominate our thinking to the point of spiritual inaction. God's word gives us direction for even our daily lives. Redeem the time, make use of every opportunity - intentionally.

    OPEN: Habakkuk 3:17-19 A. Habakkuk is facing uncertain times. 1. a time of questions / fear / unknown. 2. the enemy is coming, what is really going to happen? 3. He knows God is mighty, knows God cares but doesn't know how it is all going to play out. B. Habakkuk offers some more

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